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Cutting the Path: Encouraging Formal Exploration Through Integration Between Algorithmic and BIM Environments

Cutting the Path: Encouraging Formal Exploration Through Integration Between Algorithmic and BIM Environments

Guidoux Gonzaga, Mário ; Prazeres Veloso de Souza, Leonardo ; Paiva Ponzio, Angélica ; Miotto Bruscato, Underléa ;


This paper describes the experience of introducing students to design processes that use algorithm design and BIM tools. An exercise was presented to instigate the students to explore the interface between two known processes: the creation of algorithms in Grasshopper and the manipulation of objects in a BIM environment using Archicad. The exercise aimed at bridging the gap between algorithmic form creation and manipulation and representation and documentation techniques required in the design studios in order to encourage the students to explore new design processes using the appropriate tools at each stage.



Palavras-chave: Parametric design; BIM; Grasshopper; Archicad; Workshop,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1275

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Como citar:

Guidoux Gonzaga, Mário; Prazeres Veloso de Souza, Leonardo; Paiva Ponzio, Angélica; Miotto Bruscato, Underléa; "Cutting the Path: Encouraging Formal Exploration Through Integration Between Algorithmic and BIM Environments", p. 11-16 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1275

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