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2 BITS: A case of mass customization for social housing


de Toledo e Gazel, Jorge Lira ; Carmo Pena Martinez, Andressa ; dos Santos, Denise Mônaco ; Lopes de Souza, Douglas ;


This work presents a design for mass customization of modular housing applied to the Brazilian case, through modeling in grasshopper. These parametric tools contribute to an increase in the flexibility of the decisions and allow the execution, generating a wide range of solutions for the same problem. As a case study, it was considered the environmental disaster which occurred in the city of Mariana, whose homeless population remains displaced. Although in the initial phase of studies, this modular housing model aims to discuss principles of variability, flexibility, and pre-fabrication, delegating more decisions to end-users of large-scale social housing.



Palavras-chave: mass customization; parametric design; social housing,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1744

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Como citar:

de Toledo e Gazel, Jorge Lira; Carmo Pena Martinez, Andressa; dos Santos, Denise Mônaco; Lopes de Souza, Douglas; "2 BITS: A case of mass customization for social housing", p. 353-358 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1744

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