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Meta-Lab: programação de um laboratório interativo

Abreu, Sandro Canavezzi de ; Vasconcelos, Guilherme Nunes de ; Stralen, Mateus van ;

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Here we discuss the technological and theoretical issues that conform the restructuring proposal of the Computer Laboratory of Escola de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da UFMG, reconfiguring it in what we call “Meta-Lab”: a space composed of programmable modules that make up the so called Sistema Hidra(!), a system structured in three levels (sensory, processor and actuator level) which receives environmental information via sensors, processes these information and changes the environment using actuators. We will address in more detail the processing level, a fundamental layer for enabling the implementation of “interactive permanency” through continuous reprogramming of interactions in Meta-Lab.

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Palavras-chave: Interactivity; Combinatory; Interactive Architecture,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2016-537

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

Abreu, Sandro Canavezzi de; Vasconcelos, Guilherme Nunes de; Stralen, Mateus van; "Meta-Lab: programação de um laboratório interativo", p. 769-775 . In: XX Congreso de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital [=Blucher Design Proceedings, v.3 n.1]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2016-537

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