Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Santana, Washington Lima de ; Sisnando, Anderson Dourado ; Ribeiro, Kilder Leite ; Santos, Alex Ferreira dos ;
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"Wireless technology has evolved to meet the growing demands forefficient communication, leading to the need for a more reliable and low-latency 5Gnetwork, crucial for digital transformation. This work aims to analyze the 5G network,highlighting its architecture, applications, and challenges. The methodology includeda bibliographic review of major databases, focusing on the period from 2019 to 2023.The results show that the 5G network has the potential to enable new applicationsand business models, with significant impacts on global quality of life. It is concludedthat, despite technical and implementation challenges, particularly in Brazil, 5G isbeing driven by ongoing efforts from operators and technology companies."
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"Wireless technology has evolved to meet the growing demands forefficient communication, leading to the need for a more reliable and low-latency 5Gnetwork, crucial for digital transformation. This work aims to analyze the 5G network,highlighting its architecture, applications, and challenges. The methodology includeda bibliographic review of major databases, focusing on the period from 2019 to 2023.The results show that the 5G network has the potential to enable new applicationsand business models, with significant impacts on global quality of life. It is concludedthat, despite technical and implementation challenges, particularly in Brazil, 5G isbeing driven by ongoing efforts from operators and technology companies."
Palavras-chave: Network applications; 5G network; Digital Transformation,
Palavras-chave: Network applications; 5G network; Digital Transformation,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-391844
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Como citar:
Santana, Washington Lima de; Sisnando, Anderson Dourado; Ribeiro, Kilder Leite; Santos, Alex Ferreira dos; "5G NETWORK: EVOLUTION, APPLICATIONS, AND CHALLEN- GES IN THE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ERA", p. 1105-1112 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-391844
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