Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Cruz, Magna Sousa da ; Silva, Camile Barbosa de Souza ; Santos, Fernanda de Melo dos ; Oliveira, Lívia Cordeiro de ; Canavarro, Marcus Vinícius Costa de Santana ; Azevedo, Victor Vaz de Carvalho ; Exler, Rodolfo Bello ; Miranda, Morjane Armstrong Santos de ;
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"Rapid urban growth in Brazil has led to increased waste production, withsignificant environmental impacts due to inadequate management. This study providesan overview of waste management across different states, highlighting regionaldisparities. Despite progress in some areas, there is a lack of standardization andinconsistencies in practices. The findings suggest the need for more tailored andeffective strategies to enhance waste management, protect the environment, andpromote sustainable development. The study concludes that improving policies andintegrating innovative regional solutions are essential for a healthier environment andbetter quality of life."
Full Article:
"Rapid urban growth in Brazil has led to increased waste production, withsignificant environmental impacts due to inadequate management. This study providesan overview of waste management across different states, highlighting regionaldisparities. Despite progress in some areas, there is a lack of standardization andinconsistencies in practices. The findings suggest the need for more tailored andeffective strategies to enhance waste management, protect the environment, andpromote sustainable development. The study concludes that improving policies andintegrating innovative regional solutions are essential for a healthier environment andbetter quality of life."
Palavras-chave: Solid waste; Waste management; Sustainable development; Environmental impacts; National scenario,
Palavras-chave: Solid waste; Waste management; Sustainable development; Environmental impacts; National scenario,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393573
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Como citar:
Cruz, Magna Sousa da; Silva, Camile Barbosa de Souza; Santos, Fernanda de Melo dos; Oliveira, Lívia Cordeiro de; Canavarro, Marcus Vinícius Costa de Santana; Azevedo, Victor Vaz de Carvalho; Exler, Rodolfo Bello; Miranda, Morjane Armstrong Santos de; "A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT IN BRAZIL", p. 1074-1081 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393573
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