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A criança que não come: abordagem pediátrico-comportamental

Fisberg, Mauro ; Tosatti, Abykeyla Melisse ; Abreu, Camila Leonel ;


Uma alimentação adequada durante a infância é essencial para a saúde ao longo da vida e o bem-estar. As boas regras da alimentação já começam na infância, desde o nascimento, pela amamentação exclusiva até os seis meses de vida, para obter um ótimo crescimento, desenvolvimento e saúde. Daí em diante, para satisfazer as suas necessidades em evolução nutricional, as crianças devem receber uma alimentação complementar nutricionalmente adequada e segura, enquanto continua o aleitamento materno até aos dois anos como recomenda a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e a UNICEF. A industrialização, a urbanização, o desenvolvimento econômico e tecnológico, acarretaram mudanças na alimentação e no estilo de vida, aumentando dramaticamente a prevalência de obesidade no mundo, caracterizando a transição nutricional, em que a desnutrição apresenta acentuado declínio e a obesidade emerge como grave problema de saúde pública. No entanto, aproximadamente 51% das mães de todo o mundo referem que estão preocupadas com o fato de seu filho não comer de forma adequada. O tratamento desta situação deve ser baseado no conhecimento da causa e da individualização do problema, por meio de equipes multidisciplinares especializadas.


In a world where our food is more and more contradictory, a mix between the search for healthier foods and eating less adequate diets, it is quite difficult to understand how we forget our millennial history. Those times when we were hunters and collectors, we ate meat and fish, fruit and vegetables from nature, with an enormous difference in our capacity of storing, preparing and preserving those products for periods of inclement weather. Once we started to settle in, with the beginning of a more sedentary life, planting seeds and other products, we depended less and less on hunting and fishing, on seasonality and started to conserve. At the same time, we started to drink milk from other animal species. Milk is a multifunctional food, as it keeps the protein source available to more people, as people started to raise animals in their farms or villages. Through fermentation, milk became a good-quality protein and it is portable, characterized by the first snack used outside of the household (bread, cookies, dairy products - cheese, yogurt, curd). Since the time of the Cossacks, dairy products have been associated with health and longevity, mainly for the population of the Balkans. The association with health is anecdotal, with priorities that ranged from diarrhea prevention and treatment, physical strength, longevity, and health in general. It was only in 1898 and beginning of the 20th Century that Grigorov and Metchnikoff, associate the yogurt bacillus with longevity and therapeutic properties. The associations between calcium and vitamin D with bone health and rickets were described in the end of the 20th Century. Since then, dairy studies moved from individual studies to large epidemiologic and clinical association studies, relating with weigh and cardiovascular health. Today we define the epidemiologic rule that milk and its byproducts are the major source of calcium in our diet, representing more than 50% of the available sources. Studies from various groups all over the world show that the intake of dairy products is associated with the decrease in body mass and fat amount and bone health, osteopenia and osteoporosis prevention. Nevertheless, different populations have different lactase levels and adjust to more or less intake of dairy products, directly from its byproducts (cheese, creams, butters, curds, yogurts). Today, a new risk situation has risen in the nutrition world, and it is the lactose-free movement. A sudden removal of dairy products from the human diet has led to inadequate prescriptions by health professionals to restrictive diets that do not allow for enough calcium for the human needs. It also led to generalization of situations of lack of capacity of milk digestion to totally dairy-free diets. The health professional needs to have a balance of an adequate diagnosis of partial lactose intolerance and a correct intake of calcium vitamin D, lactose and a crucial food source for human health

Palavras-chave: Dificuldade Alimentar, picky eating, estilo parental, anorexia infantil, nutrição normal, feeding difficulties, picky eating, parental style, infantile anorexia, normal nutrition,

Palavras-chave: ,

DOI: 10.5151/medpro-2cisep-019

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Como citar:

Fisberg, Mauro; Tosatti, Abykeyla Melisse; Abreu, Camila Leonel; "A criança que não come: abordagem pediátrico-comportamental", p. 176-189 . In: Anais do 2° Congresso Internacional Sabará de Especialidades Pediátricas [=Blucher Medical Proceedings, v.1, n.4]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2014.
ISSN 2357-7282, DOI 10.5151/medpro-2cisep-019

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