Dezembro 2019 vol. 7 num. 1 - 37 Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe and XXIII Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Joint Conference (N. 1)
Article - Open Access.
A Framework for a Five-Axis Stylus for Design Fabrication
A Framework for a Five-Axis Stylus for Design Fabrication
Gozen, Efe ;
This paper proposes a new workflow between design and fabrication phasesthrough the introduction of a novel framework centered around a stylus that istracked in real-time for five-axis by a single RGB-D camera. Often misconceivedas a linear process, urgent reinterpretation of design and fabrication tools isdiscussed briefly. Similar to how industrial robots have become an enabler forfabrication process in the field of architecture and construction, the necessity forproviding a similar tool that would reform the ``design'' process is underlined. Ageneric stylus is proposed with interchangeable operations which allows forintuitive, non-obstructive grasp of the user serves as the physical avatar thattransform into a virtual representation of a fabrication tool mounted on a six-axisindustrial robot arm. User interaction with the apparatus is simulated for theuser, and the user is notified of any errors as the interaction is translated formotion planning of a KUKA KR20-3 industrial robot.
This paper proposes a new workflow between design and fabrication phasesthrough the introduction of a novel framework centered around a stylus that istracked in real-time for five-axis by a single RGB-D camera. Often misconceivedas a linear process, urgent reinterpretation of design and fabrication tools isdiscussed briefly. Similar to how industrial robots have become an enabler forfabrication process in the field of architecture and construction, the necessity forproviding a similar tool that would reform the ``design'' process is underlined. Ageneric stylus is proposed with interchangeable operations which allows forintuitive, non-obstructive grasp of the user serves as the physical avatar thattransform into a virtual representation of a fabrication tool mounted on a six-axisindustrial robot arm. User interaction with the apparatus is simulated for theuser, and the user is notified of any errors as the interaction is translated formotion planning of a KUKA KR20-3 industrial robot.
Palavras-chave: ,
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DOI: 10.5151/proceedings-ecaadesigradi2019_502
Referências bibliográficas
- [1] .
Como citar:
Gozen, Efe; "A Framework for a Five-Axis Stylus for Design Fabrication", p. 215-222 . In: Proceedings of 37 eCAADe and XXIII SIGraDi Joint Conference, “Architecture in the Age of the 4Th Industrial Revolution”, Porto 2019, Sousa, José Pedro; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro; Xavier, João Pedro (eds.).
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/proceedings-ecaadesigradi2019_502
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