Novembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 3 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
A impressão 3D como suporte para o ensino das artes para deficientes visuais
A impressão 3D como suporte para o ensino das artes para deficientes visuais
Linardi, Ana Beatriz ; Ramos, Fernado da Silva ; Garotti, Flavio Valverde ; Damiani, Vitor ;
Artigo Completo:
This article discusses some methodologies in art education in schools and educational activities in museums. It focuses on accessibility and in the visually impaired rights to access and improve the experiences and repertoire in artistic languages, recognizing the use of new technologies in the field of digital manufacturing as valuable resources for the production of teaching materials with the use of cheaper and accessible technology, which expands the access to cultural institutions and education. Considering that most of the museums art works are not to be touched, 3D printing reproductions in durable low cost plastic present as an alternative for tactile experience. In addition, the photogrammetric 3D scanning process and digital editing allow for the creation of isolated parts and materials originated from the art piece, broadening the pedagogical possibilities of art educators. The production of didactic material for arts teaching, with the use of 3D printed copies (edited or not) originated from 3D scans, may help revealing a more subtle and sophisticated aspect of artistic narrative to the public and the visually impaired.
Artigo Completo:
This article discusses some methodologies in art education in schools and educational activities in museums. It focuses on accessibility and in the visually impaired rights to access and improve the experiences and repertoire in artistic languages, recognizing the use of new technologies in the field of digital manufacturing as valuable resources for the production of teaching materials with the use of cheaper and accessible technology, which expands the access to cultural institutions and education. Considering that most of the museums art works are not to be touched, 3D printing reproductions in durable low cost plastic present as an alternative for tactile experience. In addition, the photogrammetric 3D scanning process and digital editing allow for the creation of isolated parts and materials originated from the art piece, broadening the pedagogical possibilities of art educators. The production of didactic material for arts teaching, with the use of 3D printed copies (edited or not) originated from 3D scans, may help revealing a more subtle and sophisticated aspect of artistic narrative to the public and the visually impaired.
Palavras-chave: Education, Art, 3D Scan, 3D Printing,
Palavras-chave: Education, Art, 3D Scan, 3D Printing,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-100250
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Como citar:
Linardi, Ana Beatriz; Ramos, Fernado da Silva; Garotti, Flavio Valverde; Damiani, Vitor; "A impressão 3D como suporte para o ensino das artes para deficientes visuais", p. 564-568 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-100250
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