Outubro 2021 vol. 9 num. 1 - 10º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação e 10º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Design
Short Paper - Open Access.
A influência do design de informação e de serviços na prevenção de acidentes de montanhismo na Eslovênia
The influence of information and service design on preventive measures for mountaineering accidents in Slovenia
Dolinar, Maruša ;
Short Paper:
Short Paper:
Despite the efforts to reduce the number of mountaineering accidents by providing accurate information about mountain tours to the mountaineers, the number of accidents is continuously rising. This study examines this phenomenon in Slovenia with a focus on the behavioural patterns of inexperienced foreign mountaineers. The study analyses how marks for the difficulty of mountain trails are understood by foreigners in correlation to the mountain tour selection. In addition to in-depth interviews and a participatory workshop, a test focusing on the perceptual difference between textual and pictorial information was conducted. The results show that current preventive measures do not reach the target groups because they are not adapted to the specificities of tour planning and provide information that is too abstract. Textual information or marks for the difficulty of mountain trails are perceived as too ambiguous to imply an accurate selection of a suitable mountain tour. Preventive measures should therefore be complemented by visual information, preferably in the form of videos. For effective and efficient preventive measures, the simultaneous deployment of perspectives from information as well as service design is crucial.
Palavras-chave: preventive measures, mark for the difficulty of mountain trails, mountain tour selection,
Palavras-chave: preventive measures, mark for the difficulty of mountain trails, mountain tour selection,
DOI: 10.5151/cidicongic2021-029-355427-CIDI-Comunicacao_ac.pdf
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Como citar:
Dolinar, Maruša ; "A influência do design de informação e de serviços na prevenção de acidentes de montanhismo na Eslovênia", p. 382-393 . In: Anais do 10º CIDI | Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação, edição 2021 e do 10º CONGIC | Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica em Design da Informação.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/cidicongic2021-029-355427-CIDI-Comunicacao_ac.pdf
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