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A window to the autism: the political role of the difference of an objectile in the homogeneous school


Bertola Duarte, Prof. Dr. Rovenir ; Ziger Dalgallo, Arq. Ayla ; Consalter Diniz, Disc. Maria Luisa ; Romão Magoga, Disc. Thais ;


This paper approaches the insertion of an objectile in the homogeneous space of a school, looking to bring flexibility and responsiveness to assist a user with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The research concerns with photosensitivity, a problem faced by almost 25% of the children with autism (Miller-Horn; Spence; Takeoka, 2011). The study is based on the theories for ASD environments that speak of ‘sensorial perception’ and ‘thinking with imagery’ (Mostafa, 2008), and the coexistence of Sensory Design Theory and Neuro-Typical Method (Pomana, 2015). The result consists of a gadget developed in MIT App Inventor tool and a curtain that interact responsively through an Arduino code, for a new connection between the user and his surroundings.



Palavras-chave: Objectile; Responsive Architecture; Architecture and autism; ASD; Inclusive school,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1359

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Como citar:

Bertola Duarte, Prof. Dr. Rovenir; Ziger Dalgallo, Arq. Ayla; Consalter Diniz, Disc. Maria Luisa; Romão Magoga, Disc. Thais; "A window to the autism: the political role of the difference of an objectile in the homogeneous school", p. 848-853 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1359

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