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Abrigos Sensíveis, do método ao conceito, superando a instrumentalização

Sensitive Shelters: From methods to concepts, overcoming simple tooling approach

Passaro, Andrés ; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro ;

Artigo Completo:

The following text reports a workshop activity performed at LAMO3d - Laboratório de Modelos 3d e Fabricação Digital, PROURB FAU UFRJ that addresses the instrumental domain within the new digital manufacturing capabilities such as 3D printing, laser cutting and parametric design, and on the other tries to overcome the activity as a mere technical training. This concern implies a larger effort that goes towards the incorporation of a coherent discourse and has the ability to validate within the contemporary setting these new operative actions.

Artigo Completo:

The following text reports a workshop activity performed at LAMO3d - Laboratório de Modelos 3d e Fabricação Digital, PROURB FAU UFRJ that addresses the instrumental domain within the new digital manufacturing capabilities such as 3D printing, laser cutting and parametric design, and on the other tries to overcome the activity as a mere technical training. This concern implies a larger effort that goes towards the incorporation of a coherent discourse and has the ability to validate within the contemporary setting these new operative actions.

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, Parametric Design, Responsive Architecture, Sensitive Shelters (Abrigos Sensíveis),

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, Parametric Design, Responsive Architecture, Sensitive Shelters (Abrigos Sensíveis),

DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-30155

Referências bibliográficas
  • [1] Abrigos Sensíveis. (2015) Rio de Janeiro, RioBooks – Prelo. Passaro Andrés, Duque Rebeca, Rohde Clarice, Vianna Elisa. Benjamin, Walter. (2015) O anjo da historia. Belo Horizonte. Editora Autêntica
  • [2] Duarte, José Pinto. Celani, Gabriela. PUPO, Regiane. (2011) Inserting computational technologies in architectural curricula. In Gu, Ning and Wang, Xiangyu (ed.), Computational Design Methods and Technologies: Applications in CAD, CAM and CAE Education, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  • [3] Henriques, Gonçalo Castro. Bueno, Ernesto. (2009) Geometrias Complexas e Desenho Paramétrico. In: Vitruvius / Drops, n.30. Romano Guerra•2010, Novembro 2009.
  • [4] Kolarevic, Branko, Designing and Manufacturing Architecture in the Digital Age, (2003) Spoon Press Taylor & Francis Group, Nova Iorque. Moneo, Rafael. (1999) Los 90 entre la compacidad y la fragmentación. In Arquitectura Viva, nº 66. Madrid, mayo-junio, p 17-2
  • [5] Oxman, Rivka, (2006) Theory and Design in the First Digital Age”, em Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3. Passaro, Andrés. (2008) A Forma Ausente”. In Revista NOZ #2. PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro.
  • [6] Quetglas, Josep. En tiempos irregulares. Revista El Croquis nº 106/107 – Arquitectura Española. Madrid, 2002.
Como citar:

Passaro, Andrés; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro; "Abrigos Sensíveis, do método ao conceito, superando a instrumentalização", p. 94-100 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-6968, ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-30155

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