Novembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 3 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015
Resumo - Open Access.
Acessibilidade aos Materiais Didáticos da Rede TEAR_AD através da Delimitação de uma Taxonomia de Domínio
Accessibility to Educational Materials TEAR_AD Network through the delimitation of a Domain Taxonomy
Pires, Janice de Freitas ; Pereira, Alice Cybis ;
This paper describes a process of identifying a taxonomy for describing learning materials made available in the context of a Virtual Learning Environment for Architecture and Design and produced by partner groups coming from different institutions. Paying attention to the specificity of the knowledge structure conveyed in such materials, exemplified in the case study of the digital graphic representation material, the importance of seeking by different terminologies combining concepts, techniques and technologies involved in different approaches to the same subject was observed, by allowing to characterize the structure of the teaching material and, through relationships among its terms, identify the connection between other learning objects for architectural design.
This paper describes a process of identifying a taxonomy for describing learning materials made available in the context of a Virtual Learning Environment for Architecture and Design and produced by partner groups coming from different institutions. Paying attention to the specificity of the knowledge structure conveyed in such materials, exemplified in the case study of the digital graphic representation material, the importance of seeking by different terminologies combining concepts, techniques and technologies involved in different approaches to the same subject was observed, by allowing to characterize the structure of the teaching material and, through relationships among its terms, identify the connection between other learning objects for architectural design.
Palavras-chave: Learning Objects, Architecture and Design, Taxonomy, Design Education, Digital Technologies,
Palavras-chave: Learning Objects, Architecture and Design, Taxonomy, Design Education, Digital Technologies,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp100311
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Como citar:
Pires, Janice de Freitas; Pereira, Alice Cybis; "Acessibilidade aos Materiais Didáticos da Rede TEAR_AD através da Delimitação de uma Taxonomia de Domínio", p. 823-826 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-sp100311
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