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Silva, Josualdo Junior Dias da ; Cardoso, Hugo Saba Pereira ; Nascimento Filho, Aloisio Santos ;

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"The expansion of the supply of Prostheses from Specialized RehabilitationCenters and Orthopedic Workshops is not being fulfilled, with care services forpeople with disabilities falling behind across the country. As a possibility of expandingthe supply of prostheses, the Digital Fabrication (FD) of this Assistive Technologyguides the adaptation and development of new models of prostheses, valuingfunctionality, quality, low cost and effective participation of people with disabilities inthe production process, ensuring the maintaining your physical and mental health, aswell as promoting your quality of life. This article aims to present a research proposalon promoting quality of life with an emphasis on self-esteem through the use ofprostheses of upper limbs through Digital Fabrication under the action ofParticipatory Prototyping in amputees in the Far South of Bahia, guided by aQualitative-Quantitative approach, using Design Science Research as a researchmethod, seeking to answer whether the FD of upper limb prostheses under the actionof Participatory Prototyping promotes impacts on the quality of life of amputees with a focus on self-esteem."

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"The expansion of the supply of Prostheses from Specialized RehabilitationCenters and Orthopedic Workshops is not being fulfilled, with care services forpeople with disabilities falling behind across the country. As a possibility of expandingthe supply of prostheses, the Digital Fabrication (FD) of this Assistive Technologyguides the adaptation and development of new models of prostheses, valuingfunctionality, quality, low cost and effective participation of people with disabilities inthe production process, ensuring the maintaining your physical and mental health, aswell as promoting your quality of life. This article aims to present a research proposalon promoting quality of life with an emphasis on self-esteem through the use ofprostheses of upper limbs through Digital Fabrication under the action ofParticipatory Prototyping in amputees in the Far South of Bahia, guided by aQualitative-Quantitative approach, using Design Science Research as a researchmethod, seeking to answer whether the FD of upper limb prostheses under the actionof Participatory Prototyping promotes impacts on the quality of life of amputees with a focus on self-esteem."

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, 3D Printing, Prosthetics, Assistive Technology,

Palavras-chave: Digital Fabrication, 3D Printing, Prosthetics, Assistive Technology,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-388352

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Como citar:

Silva, Josualdo Junior Dias da; Cardoso, Hugo Saba Pereira; Nascimento Filho, Aloisio Santos; "ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING IN UPPER LIMB PROSTHESES: A STUDY PROPOSAL", p. 724-731 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-388352

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