Novembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 3 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
Análise da usabilidade conforme as recomendações da norma ISO 9241 - Um estudo de caso
Usability analysis according to the standard of recommendations ISO 9241 - A case study
Silva, Giorgio Gilwan da ; Freire, Robson ; Gonçalves, Marília Matos ; Sauthier, Guilherme ;
Artigo Completo:
This study investigates Trello’s application interface usability, together with users, in accordance with ISO 9241, part 10. Quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research were used and the sample itself consisted of 6 design professionals. The questionnaire was formulated aiming towards finding the application’s strengths and weaknesses, according to the principles: Suitability to the task; Self-description; Controllability; Accordance with the Users Expectations; Error Tolerance; Support to Individualization and Learning Suitability. The evaluation of the application usability obtained a high degree of use satisfaction for achieving effectiveness, for the system’s resources efficiency and for the user satisfaction in finding easy ways to use every tool the system offers.
Artigo Completo:
This study investigates Trello’s application interface usability, together with users, in accordance with ISO 9241, part 10. Quantitative, exploratory and descriptive research were used and the sample itself consisted of 6 design professionals. The questionnaire was formulated aiming towards finding the application’s strengths and weaknesses, according to the principles: Suitability to the task; Self-description; Controllability; Accordance with the Users Expectations; Error Tolerance; Support to Individualization and Learning Suitability. The evaluation of the application usability obtained a high degree of use satisfaction for achieving effectiveness, for the system’s resources efficiency and for the user satisfaction in finding easy ways to use every tool the system offers.
Palavras-chave: Usability, Interaction, Application, Mobile,
Palavras-chave: Usability, Interaction, Application, Mobile,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-60366
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
Silva, Giorgio Gilwan da; Freire, Robson; Gonçalves, Marília Matos; Sauthier, Guilherme; "Análise da usabilidade conforme as recomendações da norma ISO 9241 - Um estudo de caso", p. 256-261 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-60366
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