Novembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 3 - XIX Congresso da Sociedade Ibero-americana de Gráfica Digital 2015
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
Análisis geométrico y gráfico de las pirámides de Le Corbusier (1950-1957)
Geometric and graphical analysis of the pyramids of Le Corbusier (1950-1957)
Dávila Cordido, Mariolly ; Alayón González, José Javier ; Graterol Prado, Odart ;
Artigo Completo:
This paper addresses the issue about the geometrical properties and physical measures of the pyramids that Le Corbusier planned throughout his career; while approaching these bodies through his drawings and perspectives. This aims to decipher the objective role of mathematics, and the subjectivity of the visual-perceptive in his approach to the design process. Le Corbusier, one of the greatest masters of modern architecture, still uses the classical perspective as a tool that allows him to express the pictorial nature of his compositions and to demonstrate his aspirations about shape.
Artigo Completo:
This paper addresses the issue about the geometrical properties and physical measures of the pyramids that Le Corbusier planned throughout his career; while approaching these bodies through his drawings and perspectives. This aims to decipher the objective role of mathematics, and the subjectivity of the visual-perceptive in his approach to the design process. Le Corbusier, one of the greatest masters of modern architecture, still uses the classical perspective as a tool that allows him to express the pictorial nature of his compositions and to demonstrate his aspirations about shape.
Palavras-chave: Le Corbusier, Pirámide, Geometría, Perspectiva, Análisis,
Palavras-chave: Le Corbusier, Pirámide, Geometría, Perspectiva, Análisis,
DOI: 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-40087
Referências bibliográficas
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- [2] Lapunzina, Alejandro (2002). La Pirámide y el Muro: notas preliminares sobre una obra inédita de Le Corbusier em Venezuela. Massilia: anuario de estudios lecorbusierianos, Nº. 2002, 148-161.
- [3] Le Corbusier (1998) Hacia una arquitectura (1ª reimpr. de la 2ª ed.). Barcelona: Ediciones Apóstrofe.
- [4] Le Corbusier (1980). El Modulor 2. Barcelona: Poseidón.
- [5] Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret (1964) OEuvre complète 1910-1929. Zurich: Les Editions d’architecture.
- [6] Panofsky, Erwin (1995). La perspectiva como forma simbólica (7ª edición), Barcelona: Tusquets Editores.
Como citar:
Dávila Cordido, Mariolly; Alayón González, José Javier; Graterol Prado, Odart; "Análisis geométrico y gráfico de las pirámides de Le Corbusier (1950-1957)", p. 177-182 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-136-7
DOI 10.5151/despro-sigradi2015-40087
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