Fevereiro 2015 vol. 1 num. 2 - XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química
Artigo - Open Access.
FONTES, R. M. ; MARTINS, M. A. F. ; KALID, R. A. ;
This paper concerns the use of a particle swarmoptimization-based MPC tuning method so as to compare the performancesbetween the conventional MPC and an infinite horizon MPC, when both areapplied to a reactor system. More specifically, the tuning method is carried outon a simulated CSTR system using linearized models along with process/modelmismatch, and so the optimal tuning parameters are also applied to theCSTR nonlinear model. The simulated results show that the infinite horizonMPC remains stable in all simulated scenarios, whereas the conventional MPCdestabilizes when the nonlinear system is required to be controlled.
DOI: 10.5151/chemeng-cobeq2014-1373-19592-177098
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Como citar:
FONTES, R. M.; MARTINS, M. A. F.; KALID, R. A.; "APPLICATION OF AN OPTIMAL MPC TUNING STRATEGY IN CONTROL OF A NON LINEAR REACTOR SYSTEM", p. 12391-12398 . In: Anais do XX Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química - COBEQ 2014 [= Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings, v.1, n.2].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2359-1757,
DOI 10.5151/chemeng-cobeq2014-1373-19592-177098
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