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Artistic project as an example of new forms of children’s education in the scope of culture competencies

Ziolowicz, Katarzyna ;


The article discusses the changes in Pre-school Core Curricula in Poland and shows the strong and weak points of the new educational system. These recently formulated objectives compel educational actions which support the process of institutionalised acculturation from an early age. Due to the fact that compulsory education in Poland begins at the age of five, it was necessary to transform the pre-school core curriculum. There have been introduced crucial changes to the broadly taken field of visual arts education . A young person is supposed to be naturally introduced into the word of art from an early age, so as to be later on aware of one’s country’s cultural heritage and to feel responsible for it. Experimental activities carried out in the Institute of Fine Arts UJK within the project Meetings with Art for the Youngest are an attempt to establish new forms of plastic art education at preschool. The teacher is supposed to leave the didactic and enter the sphere of cultural animation. The project supports the offer prepared by pre-school institutions and it is a crucial element of integration between the Institute and the local community. The children showed much interest in acquiring knowledge by means of active participation. It confirms the higher effectiveness of activating methods compared to expository ones. The use of other materials and techniques contributed to the break out of creative energy and the development of an individual. The children who participated in the project are open to new ideas and willing to they experiment themselves. It should be noted that the recipients of our project are not only the children. During the activities the teachers acquire new experiences, which will help them prepare new teaching programmes. The impact of the project may be perceived also in the children’s family environment, there were observed the parents’ positive reactions to the exhibited works, their real interest and the use of them in positive reinforcement.


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DOI: 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-64

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

Ziolowicz, Katarzyna; "Artistic project as an example of new forms of children’s education in the scope of culture competencies", p. 337-341 . In: Barbosa, Helena; Quental, Joana [Eds]. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Art, Illustration and Visual Culture in Infant and Primary Education. São Paulo: Blucher, 2015.
ISSN 2318-695X, ISBN: 978-989-98185-0-7
DOI 10.5151/edupro-aivcipe-64

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