Novembro 2023 vol. 12 num. 6 - 10º MXRio Design Conference 2023
Artigo - Open Access.
Bienestar Climático. Un cambio de perspectiva hacia el bienestar holístico.
Climate Wellness. A change of perspective towards holistic well-being.
Robles, Mariana Serrano ;
As people look forward to improving their quality of life and reducing their cost of living, there are two drivers of change that have been gaining strength and that will be crucial in the coming years, the climate crisis, and the new take on the active search for high wellness levels. Through cross-trends, data visualization and signal analysis that dive into the current and future climate consequences such as drought, extreme temperatures, entire cities being flooded, the paper aims to review where these two drivers of change come from, and propose a possible future scenario called Climate Wellness in which they intersect and change the understanding and perception of well-being as it is known today. The research promotes taking this as a starting point for generating new and preventive approaches within government environmental policies and creative practices, proposing the creation of new wellness and climate metrics that allow each country's population to take action towards a desirable future.
As people look forward to improving their quality of life and reducing their cost of living, there are two drivers of change that have been gaining strength and that will be crucial in the coming years, the climate crisis, and the new take on the active search for high wellness levels. Through cross-trends, data visualization and signal analysis that dive into the current and future climate consequences such as drought, extreme temperatures, entire cities being flooded, the paper aims to review where these two drivers of change come from, and propose a possible future scenario called Climate Wellness in which they intersect and change the understanding and perception of well-being as it is known today. The research promotes taking this as a starting point for generating new and preventive approaches within government environmental policies and creative practices, proposing the creation of new wellness and climate metrics that allow each country's population to take action towards a desirable future.
Palavras-chave: Climate, Wellness, Future, Holistic perspective,
Palavras-chave: Climate, Wellness, Future, Holistic perspective,
DOI: 10.5151/mxriodc2023-005
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Como citar:
Robles, Mariana Serrano; "Bienestar Climático. Un cambio de perspectiva hacia el bienestar holístico.", p. 60-71 . In: 10º MXRio Design Conference 2023.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/mxriodc2023-005
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