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Almeida, Pedro Gabriel Souza Reis de ; Figliuolo, Saulo Queiroz ; Beal, Valter Estevão ;


"Brazil is one of the largest food producers around the world, with agriculture responsible for a large part of the country's gross domestic product. Due to global warming, many crops have had their cultivation affected by the climate crisis. Plant species that have the capacity to supply products and resist the effects of the crisis have shown great commercial potential. Agave, for example, has several high-valueadded products and is already widely cultivated around the world. On the other hand, this cultivation is mostly manual, harming the competitiveness of agave cultivation. Therefore, this article provides a review to expose challenges in the process of agricultural mechanization in agave cultivation, addressing its roots, impacts and providing ways of coping."


"Brazil is one of the largest food producers around the world, with agriculture responsible for a large part of the country's gross domestic product. Due to global warming, many crops have had their cultivation affected by the climate crisis. Plant species that have the capacity to supply products and resist the effects of the crisis have shown great commercial potential. Agave, for example, has several high-valueadded products and is already widely cultivated around the world. On the other hand, this cultivation is mostly manual, harming the competitiveness of agave cultivation. Therefore, this article provides a review to expose challenges in the process of agricultural mechanization in agave cultivation, addressing its roots, impacts and providing ways of coping."

Palavras-chave: Agave, mechanization, challenges, barriers, agriculture,

Palavras-chave: Agave, mechanization, challenges, barriers, agriculture,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393194

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Como citar:

Almeida, Pedro Gabriel Souza Reis de; Figliuolo, Saulo Queiroz; Beal, Valter Estevão; "CHALLENGES AND BARRIERS ON THE PROCESS OF AGRICULTURAL MECHANIZATION OF AGAVE CROPS.", p. 856-863 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393194

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