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Lima, Henrique de Aguiar ; Guimarães, Marilda Ferreira ; Neves, Cintia Reis Pinto ; Souza, Marinilda Lima ;

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This article describes the implementation process of the Community Extension Center – CEC at SENAI CIMATEC, which includes sustainable innovative practices that can generate income for the neediest population, associated with other actions with the purpose of improving student education and promoting empowerment female. All these actions are based on the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, such as quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities. To make this a reality, two programs were implemented: Girls 4.0: Connection to change the world and Public Office of Architecture and Engineering (EPAE) and after issuing a notice, students were able to enter the programs of interest. The result is the engagement of students from various undergraduate courses with the community, developing scientific knowledge.

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This article describes the implementation process of the Community Extension Center – CEC at SENAI CIMATEC, which includes sustainable innovative practices that can generate income for the neediest population, associated with other actions with the purpose of improving student education and promoting empowerment female. All these actions are based on the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs, such as quality education, gender equality, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities. To make this a reality, two programs were implemented: Girls 4.0: Connection to change the world and Public Office of Architecture and Engineering (EPAE) and after issuing a notice, students were able to enter the programs of interest. The result is the engagement of students from various undergraduate courses with the community, developing scientific knowledge.

Palavras-chave: extension; community; education goals; sustainability,

Palavras-chave: extension; community; education goals; sustainability,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393338

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Como citar:

Lima, Henrique de Aguiar; Guimarães, Marilda Ferreira; Neves, Cintia Reis Pinto; Souza, Marinilda Lima; "COMMUNITY EXTENSION CENTER: TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN SOCIAL INTERVENTION", p. 976-982 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393338

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