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Critical Media. Proposals to articulate and activate devices of territorial transformation.


Tosello, María Elena ; Bredanini Colombo, María Georgina ; Zorzón, Cecilia Verónica ; Fabián Jereb, Marcelo ;


This paper discusses the aims of media and technologies from a political insight, knowing the shortcomings and contradictions that cross the Latin American countries, for the purpose of being able to visualize them, think them and provide possible solutions, taking advantage of the creative potential of the university. With this objective, we developed an experience that integrated a research project on the design and production of artifacts, interfaces and representations capable of articulating the links between subjects, actions and dimensions, with the teaching and learning processes of an interdisciplinary design workshop, that created and activated territorial transformation devices with a sense of community collaboration.



Palavras-chave: Digital Media; Critical Theory; Participative Design; Collaborative Design; Learning Process,

Palavras-chave: -,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2018-1791

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Como citar:

Tosello, María Elena; Bredanini Colombo, María Georgina; Zorzón, Cecilia Verónica; Fabián Jereb, Marcelo; "Critical Media. Proposals to articulate and activate devices of territorial transformation.", p. 1340-1346 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2018-1791

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