Outubro 2023 vol. 10 num. 5 - IX Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
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Carvalho, Felipe Novaes de ; Santos, Carlos Marlon Silva ; Torres, Felipe Andrade ;
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The present work aims to present an overview that involves the electrification process of the road transport sector for passenger vehicles in Brazil, given the trend of decarbonization of this sector, discussing solutions adopted by some countries to encourage the growth of the fleet. electrified. The electrification of the road transport sector is a global trend and hybrid and electric vehicle sales are increasing every year. In 2022, the Brazilian fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles was approximately 126,000 units, with exponential growth projected to exceed 1 million units by 2030. Current constraints to increasing the fleet include limited charging infrastructure, insufficient government incentives, and the higher upfront costs of hybrid and electric models compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
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The present work aims to present an overview that involves the electrification process of the road transport sector for passenger vehicles in Brazil, given the trend of decarbonization of this sector, discussing solutions adopted by some countries to encourage the growth of the fleet. electrified. The electrification of the road transport sector is a global trend and hybrid and electric vehicle sales are increasing every year. In 2022, the Brazilian fleet of hybrid and electric vehicles was approximately 126,000 units, with exponential growth projected to exceed 1 million units by 2030. Current constraints to increasing the fleet include limited charging infrastructure, insufficient government incentives, and the higher upfront costs of hybrid and electric models compared to internal combustion engine vehicles.
Palavras-chave: Hybrid Vehicles; Electric Vehicles; Brazilian Market Potential; Vehicle Fleet Transition; Renewable Electric Matrix,
Palavras-chave: Hybrid Vehicles; Electric Vehicles; Brazilian Market Potential; Vehicle Fleet Transition; Renewable Electric Matrix,
DOI: 10.5151/siintec2023-305989
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Como citar:
Carvalho, Felipe Novaes de ; Santos, Carlos Marlon Silva ; Torres, Felipe Andrade ; "CURRENT SCENARIO AND FUTURE POTENTIAL OF HYBRID AND ELECTRIC VEHICLES IN THE BRAZILIAN AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR", p. 284-291 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2023-305989
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