Maio 2014 vol. 1 num. 2 - 6th Information Design International Conference
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Design and appropriation: exploring user’s perception about the use of social network sites for news circulation
Zago, Gabriela da Silva ;
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Social network sites (boyd Andamp; Ellison, 2007) can be used for a variety of purposes. One of the possible uses is related to news circulation (Machado, 2008): newspapers and regular users can use social network sites such as Twitter and Facebook to post, repost and comment news (Zago, 2013). This type of use derives from users’ appropriations in order to adapt the tools to their needs. Based on this scenario, this paper discusses user’s perception about the use of social network sites for news circulation. Parting from design concepts, we seek to identify elements perceived by users on social network sites that influence news circulation, either the practice of posting or of reading news on those tools. Since every human-computer interaction depends on an interface (Hewett et al, 1992), we decided to analyse two specific interfaces for news circulation: Twitter and Facebook. For that, we conducted a qualitative study. Discussion is based on the observation of the tools and in the answers given by users to an online questionnaire. Results point to Twitter being better perceived as an space for news circulation due to its functional affordances.
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Palavras-chave: design,
DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-143
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Como citar:
Zago, Gabriela da Silva; "Design and appropriation: exploring user’s perception about the use of social network sites for news circulation", p. 1528-1533 . In: In Coutinho, Solange G.; Moura, Monica; Campello, Silvio Barreto; Cadena, Renata A.; Almeida, Swanne (orgs.). Proceedings of the 6th Information Design International Conference, 5th InfoDesign, 6th CONGIC [= Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.1].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-212-0824-2
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI-143
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