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Design da Informação e Resiliência: Estudo dos níveis de correlação entre o indivíduo, o sistema de informação e o fenômeno representado

Information Design and Resilience: A study of correlation levels between subject, “information system” and represented phenomena

Faria, José Neto de ; Oliveira, Mirtes Marins ;

Artigo Completo:

This article search to describe how correlation levels between subject, information system and represented phenomena define representational models which may be used to enhance phenomena understanding, with aid of resilience representational models. The main work aim is to identify how representational models can be used to enhance resilience behaviour of information systems. Only dynamic information systems seems to show fair resilient behaviour, especially when they approach cognitive process reproduction realized by subject. Resilience in “information systems” emulate thinking object and thinking process.

Artigo Completo:

This article search to describe how correlation levels between subject, information system and represented phenomena define representational models which may be used to enhance phenomena understanding, with aid of resilience representational models. The main work aim is to identify how representational models can be used to enhance resilience behaviour of information systems. Only dynamic information systems seems to show fair resilient behaviour, especially when they approach cognitive process reproduction realized by subject. Resilience in “information systems” emulate thinking object and thinking process.

Palavras-chave: Information Design, Resilience, Subject, Information System, Phenomena,

Palavras-chave: Information Design, Resilience, Subject, Information System, Phenomena,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-075

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Como citar:

Faria, José Neto de; Oliveira, Mirtes Marins; "Design da Informação e Resiliência: Estudo dos níveis de correlação entre o indivíduo, o sistema de informação e o fenômeno representado", p. 478-485 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-075

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