Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Full paper - Open Access.
Design research between the social worlds of academia and organisations: Experience feedback from setting up and supervising French industrial PhDs
Design research between the social worlds of academia and organisations: Experience feedback from setting up and supervising French industrial PhDs
Berger, Estelle ; Ocnarescu, Ioana ;
Full paper:
Responding to the call for grounded feedback on the social impacts of design doctoral research beyond academia, this paper reports on our experience as a design research department embedded in a French design school. Over the last six years, ten cross-disciplinary industrial PhDs were conducted in our research programs. This case study analyses the ecosystems involved and projects pursued, in order to better understand the stakes, issues and avenues for research in/with/for design, and in/with/for organisations. First, a state-of-the-art on the different approaches mobilising design in doctoral research is given, with our own positioning mapped on a matrix. In the second part of the paper, it feeds discussion on the profiles and roles of stakeholders, their embodied postures, relationships, and competences. Finally, the outcomes of research and their impacts are analysed.
Full paper:
Responding to the call for grounded feedback on the social impacts of design doctoral research beyond academia, this paper reports on our experience as a design research department embedded in a French design school. Over the last six years, ten cross-disciplinary industrial PhDs were conducted in our research programs. This case study analyses the ecosystems involved and projects pursued, in order to better understand the stakes, issues and avenues for research in/with/for design, and in/with/for organisations. First, a state-of-the-art on the different approaches mobilising design in doctoral research is given, with our own positioning mapped on a matrix. In the second part of the paper, it feeds discussion on the profiles and roles of stakeholders, their embodied postures, relationships, and competences. Finally, the outcomes of research and their impacts are analysed.
Palavras-chave: "Doctorate degree in Design, Cross-disciplinary research, Industrial PhD, Action research, Experience feedback",
Palavras-chave: "Doctorate degree in Design, Cross-disciplinary research, Industrial PhD, Action research, Experience feedback",
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-01Estelle-Berger-et-al
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Como citar:
Berger, Estelle; Ocnarescu, Ioana; "Design research between the social worlds of academia and organisations: Experience feedback from setting up and supervising French industrial PhDs", p. 695-707 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-01Estelle-Berger-et-al
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