Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Position paper - Open Access.
Design Research: Making of a Connected Discipline Part 2
Design Research: Making of a Connected Discipline Part 2
Chow, Rosan ;
Position paper:
In “Design Research: Making of a Connected Discipline Part 1”, I argue that the social circumstances and the nature of design inquiry and the changing academic research practice which tend towards inter/ trans-disciplinarity render building a unified and bounded discipline unrealistic and undesirable. In place of unified and bounded, I suggest connected to be a more viable concept to think about disciplinary research in design. Here in Part 2, I make some suggestions to start making of a connected discipline.
Position paper:
In “Design Research: Making of a Connected Discipline Part 1”, I argue that the social circumstances and the nature of design inquiry and the changing academic research practice which tend towards inter/ trans-disciplinarity render building a unified and bounded discipline unrealistic and undesirable. In place of unified and bounded, I suggest connected to be a more viable concept to think about disciplinary research in design. Here in Part 2, I make some suggestions to start making of a connected discipline.
Palavras-chave: Design Research, Design Studies, Research Through Design, Connected Discipline,
Palavras-chave: Design Research, Design Studies, Research Through Design, Connected Discipline,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-03Posit-04Chow-2
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
Chow, Rosan; "Design Research: Making of a Connected Discipline Part 2", p. 208-214 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-03Posit-04Chow-2
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