Maio 2014 vol. 1 num. 1 - 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics
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Determination of Cardiac Ejection Fraction by Electrical Impedance Tomography using a Hybrid Heuristic Approach, a Simulation Study
Ribeiro, Marcos H. F. ; Santos, Rodrigo Weber dos ; Barra, Luis Paulo S. ; Peters, Franciane C. ;
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An important parameter to analyze the efficiency of the heart as a pump is Cardiac Ejection Fraction (EF), which is clinically highly correlated to the functional status of the heart. Diverse non invasive methods can be applied to measure EF, like Computer Tomography, Magnetic Resonance, Echocardiography, and others. Nevertheless, none of these techniques can be used to continuous monitoring of such parameter. On the other hand, electrical impedance tomography (EIT) may be applied to accomplish this goal. In addition, low cost and high portability are also EIT’s features that justify the research for solutions involving such technique to monitor EF. EIT consists in reconstruct images of the conductivity distribution of the interior of a conductor domain by applying electric currents and measuring electrical potential on the boundary of the body. Mathematically, EIT can be classified as a non-linear inverse problem. This work proposes a method for the continuous estimation of cardiac ejection fraction, addressing it as an optimization problem. The models used in our approach assume that recent two-dimensional magnetic resonance images of the patient are available, and use them to reduce the search space. Another important feature is the parametrization of the geometry of internal inclusions inside the domain, which also reduces the cost of the method. This work proposes a Hybrid Iterated Local Search (ILS) heuristic for EIT inverse problem using Levenberg-Marquardt Method as local search. Experiments are performed on two-dimensional images with synthetically generated data for electric potentials. Two different protocols for current injection are tested in such experiments and preliminary results are presented.
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Palavras-chave: Cardiac Ejection Fraction, Electrical Impedance Tomography, Inverse Problem, Iterated Local Search,
DOI: 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-19371
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Como citar:
Ribeiro, Marcos H. F.; Santos, Rodrigo Weber dos; Barra, Luis Paulo S.; Peters, Franciane C.; "Determination of Cardiac Ejection Fraction by Electrical Impedance Tomography using a Hybrid Heuristic Approach, a Simulation Study", p. 3456-3475 . In: In Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics [= Blucher Mechanical Engineering Proceedings, v. 1, n. 1].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2358-0828,
DOI 10.5151/meceng-wccm2012-19371
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