Novembro 2017 vol. 3 num. 12 - XXI Congreso Internacional de la Sociedad Iberoamericana de Gráfica Digital
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
Didactica Maker. Estrategias colaborativas de aprendizaje STEM en Diseño Industrial
Makers Didactics. STEM Learning collaborative strategies in Industrial Design
Martini, Sebastián ; Chiarella, Mauro ;
Artigo Completo:
In this presentation will be exposed a work of verification of the research carried out for the Master's degree in University Teaching about the implications of Maker Culture in the teaching-learning processes into Industrial Design. From this exploration, we are interested in proposing an exercise for the subject IMD-DI, that develop an action process where it is possible catalyze the educational advantages of Maker Culture, STEAM education and the disciplinary transversality within a strategy on problembased learning as a way of approach and knowledge generation.
Artigo Completo:
In this presentation will be exposed a work of verification of the research carried out for the Master's degree in University Teaching about the implications of Maker Culture in the teaching-learning processes into Industrial Design. From this exploration, we are interested in proposing an exercise for the subject IMD-DI, that develop an action process where it is possible catalyze the educational advantages of Maker Culture, STEAM education and the disciplinary transversality within a strategy on problembased learning as a way of approach and knowledge generation.
Palavras-chave: Maker culture, Makerspace, STEM, PBL, Collaborative working,
Palavras-chave: Maker culture, Makerspace, STEM, PBL, Collaborative working,
DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-025
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
Martini, Sebastián; Chiarella, Mauro; "Didactica Maker. Estrategias colaborativas de aprendizaje STEM en Diseño Industrial", p. 158-164 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-025
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