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Cunha, Helton ; Cerqueira, Daniela ; Ferreira, Cristiano Vasconcellos ; Murari, Thiago Barros ;

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"The Brazilian population is increasingly connected to the digital world. Thetechnological revolution forces governments to accelerate the digitalization of publicpolicies, adapting their processes and services to the required standards. In thiscontext, this work aimed to address the main digital tools that Brazil uses to guaranteeequitable access to public services. In this way, a literature review was carried out ondigital tools and public bodies. The results found indicated that the use of digitaltechnology for public services is a reality. More research is needed to identify howother countries are using technologies that can serve as an instrument of innovationcapable of supporting public services in an inclusive way."

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"The Brazilian population is increasingly connected to the digital world. Thetechnological revolution forces governments to accelerate the digitalization of publicpolicies, adapting their processes and services to the required standards. In thiscontext, this work aimed to address the main digital tools that Brazil uses to guaranteeequitable access to public services. In this way, a literature review was carried out ondigital tools and public bodies. The results found indicated that the use of digitaltechnology for public services is a reality. More research is needed to identify howother countries are using technologies that can serve as an instrument of innovationcapable of supporting public services in an inclusive way."

Palavras-chave: digital transformation, digital government. digital inclusion. public services,

Palavras-chave: digital transformation, digital government. digital inclusion. public services,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393389

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Como citar:

Cunha, Helton; Cerqueira, Daniela; Ferreira, Cristiano Vasconcellos; Murari, Thiago Barros; "DIGITAL GOVERNMENT: THE USE OF DIGITAL TOOLS TO ENSURE EQUITABLE ACCESS TO PUBLIC SERVICES", p. 1243-1249 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393389

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