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Digital Sunflower: the potential of eco-oriented responsivity in the design process

Digital Sunflower: the potential of eco-oriented responsivity in the design process

Rocha, Bruno Massara ; Celestino, Raquel Souza ; Silva, Kiany Ferreira Damascena ; Galimberti, Isabella Soares ;

Conference full papers:

In the face of the global energy crisis, this work presents the results of an effort to build an alternative device to improve the production of clean and renewable energy with high technology and low cost. The project titled Artificial Sunflower is a Arduino based opensource solar tracker conceived to enhance the performance of photovoltaic modules. It was used a research by design methodology to develop several prototypes using 3d printing and laser cutting. The results include hardware and software information used to build and configurate the system.

Conference full papers:

Palavras-chave: Solar tracker, Opensource, Arduino, Cybernetics, Sustainability,


DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2020-124

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Como citar:

Rocha, Bruno Massara; Celestino, Raquel Souza; Silva, Kiany Ferreira Damascena; Galimberti, Isabella Soares; "Digital Sunflower: the potential of eco-oriented responsivity in the design process", p. 918-923 . In: Congreso SIGraDi 2020. São Paulo: Blucher, 2020.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2020-124

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