Julho 2016 vol. 2 num. 7 - 13º Congresso Gaúcho de Clínica Médica

Artigo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

Doença de Kienbock

SMIDERLE, Angélica ; POSTINGHER, Georgia Pergher ; BRUM, Renata Lenz de ;


A Doença de Kienbock (KD) é considerada uma osteonecrose que envolve o osso semilunar, resultando em colapso do carpo e artrose severa do punho.¹ Sua etiologia tem origem multifatorial.² A prevalência é desconhecida³, no entanto é rara, acometendo 5 a cada 10.000 pessoas.¹


Palavras-chave: ,

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DOI: 10.5151/medpro-xiiicgcm-1458501518

Referências bibliográficas
  • [1] 1: Stahl S, Stahl AS, Meisner C, Rahmanian-Schwarz A, Schaller HE, Lotter O. A systematic review of the etiopathogenesis of Kienböck's disease and a critical appraisal of its recognition as an occupational disease related to hand-arm vibration. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2012; 13: 225.
  • [2] 2: U Mennen, H Sithebe. The incidence of asymptomatic Kienböck's disease. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2009 Jun;34(3):348-50.
  • [3] 3: Laframboise MA, Gringmuth R, Greenwood C. Kienbock's disease in a varsity football player: a case report and review of the literature. J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2012 Dec;56(4):275- 82.
  • [4] 4:Goeminne S, Degreef I, De Smet L. Reliability and reproducibility of Kienbock’s disease staging. J Hand Surg(Eur) 2010 Sep;35(7):555–7.
  • [5] 5: Lamas C, Carrera A, Proubasta I, Llusa M, Majo J, Mir X. The anatomy and vascularity of the lunate: considerations applied to Kienbock’s disease. Chir Main. 2007;26:13–20.
  • [6] 6: Gupta R, Pruthi M, Kumar A, Garg S. Outcome of Kienbök’s disease in twelve cases: a mid-term follow-up study. Singapore Medical Journal. 2014;55(11):583-58
Como citar:

SMIDERLE, Angélica; POSTINGHER, Georgia Pergher; BRUM, Renata Lenz de; "Doença de Kienbock", p. 212-215 . In: In Anais do 13º Congresso Gaúcho de Clínica Médica [=Blucher Medical Proceedings, n.7, v.2]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2016.
ISSN 2357-7282, DOI 10.5151/medpro-xiiicgcm-1458501518

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