Outubro 2019 vol. 6 num. 3 - 7º Simpósio Design Sustentável

Artigo completo - Open Access.

Idioma principal

EdESIGN tool: platform for integration of knowledge in Design and Sustainability

Santana, Vanessa Gomes ; Ramalho, Maria Thatiane ; Santos, Adriana Paula Oliveira ; Rapôso, Áurea Luiza ;

Artigo completo:

This article aimed to present of the EdESIGN tool as a platform for integration of knowledge in Design and Sustainability, based on two databases developed in research projects on the knowledge and skills mobilized in the teaching-learning process by students and lecturers of the technological course in Interior Design (database 1) and on the knowledge and skills mobilized in social and environmental actions of furniture companies of micro and small size (database 2). The main motivation of the project was associated to the demands of socio-environmental and innovative solutions for the practice of Sustainability within the scope of the work of interior designers and the development of products, processes and services of local furniture companies, intermediated in interior projects. As applied research and with qualitative approach, the methodological procedures used were the bibliographic research and the case study. The selected methodological instruments were online questionnaire for the construction of the profiles of the target public; brainwriting design tool and project briefing for the development of website format. As a product and main result of the research, the EdESIGN tool was created as a website, constituting a platform for integrating of knowledge in Design and Sustainability, a source of reference and consultation for students and teachers and local companies, composed of by 4 modules: Academic module, Professional module, Business module and Tips module.

Artigo completo:

Palavras-chave: Sustainability; Design; Platform for integration; Knowledge; Design tool,


DOI: 10.5151/7dsd-3.2.058

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Como citar:

Santana, Vanessa Gomes; Ramalho, Maria Thatiane; Santos, Adriana Paula Oliveira; Rapôso, Áurea Luiza; "EdESIGN tool: platform for integration of knowledge in Design and Sustainability", p. 641-652 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2019.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/7dsd-3.2.058

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