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Edificação Modular: Estudo de caso e protótipo de um sistema construtivo de código aberto utilizando prototipagem rápida

Modular Building: Case study and prototype of an open source modular system using rapid prototyping

Griz, Cristiana ; Queiroz, Natália ; Nome, Carlos ;

Artigo Completo:

This paper presents the research development for a base structural module for the Casa Nordeste project. Casa Nordeste is a compact housing experiment that will participate in the Solar Decathlon Latin America competition. It consists of a modular building that houses living, cooking, and sanitizing space. Developments presented are based on digital design and fabrication principles and processes, through algorithms that allow its customization. In this sense, discussions begin with a brief theoretical discussion about the concepts that underline the project: evolutionary housing; digital technologies that improve design and construction; open source construction and generative design systems. The paper finalizes by presenting and discussing developments of three different design aspects of the structural module: (a) geometry of the frames, (b) its modulation, and (c) fittings and joining mechanisms.

Artigo Completo:

This paper presents the research development for a base structural module for the Casa Nordeste project. Casa Nordeste is a compact housing experiment that will participate in the Solar Decathlon Latin America competition. It consists of a modular building that houses living, cooking, and sanitizing space. Developments presented are based on digital design and fabrication principles and processes, through algorithms that allow its customization. In this sense, discussions begin with a brief theoretical discussion about the concepts that underline the project: evolutionary housing; digital technologies that improve design and construction; open source construction and generative design systems. The paper finalizes by presenting and discussing developments of three different design aspects of the structural module: (a) geometry of the frames, (b) its modulation, and (c) fittings and joining mechanisms.

Palavras-chave: Digital fabrication, Rapid prototyping, Visual programming, Compact housing,

Palavras-chave: Digital fabrication, Rapid prototyping, Visual programming, Compact housing,

DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2017-042

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Como citar:

Griz, Cristiana; Queiroz, Natália; Nome, Carlos; "Edificação Modular: Estudo de caso e protótipo de um sistema construtivo de código aberto utilizando prototipagem rápida", p. 261-268 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/sigradi2017-042

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