Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Full paper - Open Access.
Emancipating the Healing Potential: Interdisciplinary Innovation Promotes Optimal Healing Environments During the Recovery and Transformation Phase
Emancipating the Healing Potential: Interdisciplinary Innovation Promotes Optimal Healing Environments During the Recovery and Transformation Phase
Gao, Tanhao ; Ning, Jin ; Zhang, Haoyu ; Qiao, Yue ; Zhou, Hongtao ;
Full paper:
The rapidly spread Omicron variant of COVID-19 has triggered a global health catastrophe, forcing society to seek strategies to alleviate the psychological pressure of citizens and rebuild the healing environment. During the recovery and transformation phase, the Optimal Healing Environment (OHE) framework developed by the Samueli Institute presents an integrated vision for healing that holds enormous potential. And this vision required multi-disciplinary innovation to overcome the pandemic's obstacles. We clarified the definitions and characteristics of the OHE framework and related four environments (internal, personal, behavioral, and external). Then we use the interdisciplinary innovation methodology to take a comprehensive literature review spanning various disciplines, including design, medicine, neuroscience, environmental science, psychology, and behavioral science, to understand the practical obstacles. Therefore, we promote interdisciplinary innovation to discover more effective healing-oriented strategies, reduce citizens' psychological pressure, and motivate a more sustainable, inclusive, welcoming, and emotionally resilient environment.
Full paper:
The rapidly spread Omicron variant of COVID-19 has triggered a global health catastrophe, forcing society to seek strategies to alleviate the psychological pressure of citizens and rebuild the healing environment. During the recovery and transformation phase, the Optimal Healing Environment (OHE) framework developed by the Samueli Institute presents an integrated vision for healing that holds enormous potential. And this vision required multi-disciplinary innovation to overcome the pandemic's obstacles. We clarified the definitions and characteristics of the OHE framework and related four environments (internal, personal, behavioral, and external). Then we use the interdisciplinary innovation methodology to take a comprehensive literature review spanning various disciplines, including design, medicine, neuroscience, environmental science, psychology, and behavioral science, to understand the practical obstacles. Therefore, we promote interdisciplinary innovation to discover more effective healing-oriented strategies, reduce citizens' psychological pressure, and motivate a more sustainable, inclusive, welcoming, and emotionally resilient environment.
Palavras-chave: Optimal Healing Environments, Interdisciplinary Innovation, System innovation, Transformational design,
Palavras-chave: Optimal Healing Environments, Interdisciplinary Innovation, System innovation, Transformational design,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-01Full-02Gao-et-al
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Como citar:
Gao, Tanhao; Ning, Jin; Zhang, Haoyu; Qiao, Yue; Zhou, Hongtao; "Emancipating the Healing Potential: Interdisciplinary Innovation Promotes Optimal Healing Environments During the Recovery and Transformation Phase", p. 18-32 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-1BIL-01Full-02Gao-et-al
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