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Moraes, Renato Nunes ; Silva, Marília Costa Rosendo ; Rosa, Maiara ; Rozenfeld, Henrique ;

Artigo Completo:

PSS is an integrated offering of products and services that seek to satisfy stakeholders’ needs. The relation product/service can vary in terms of functionality or economic value. Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ability that objects have of interacting with each other and with the environment, making decisions and acting to achieve common goals. PSS offerings can profit from this technology. There are few studies that clarify the relationship between IoT and PSS. This work aims to evaluate current PSS cases that incorporate IoT concepts and elements, known as Smart Objects. The goal is to understand how those elements are used in the PSS context. The evaluation was performed based on 142 cases. An exploratory research verified which cases had IoT elements and their roles in the business process. This qualitative evaluation will serve as a basis to future systematization, aiming to classify and identify barriers and opportunities for IoT applications in PSS. From the 142 cases, only 16 had IoT components. Most of the cases came from the transportation area, more specifically car sharing services. This shows that IoT might not yet be seen as a potential resource to improve the value offer despite having many benefits.

Artigo Completo:

PSS is an integrated offering of products and services that seek to satisfy stakeholders’ needs. The relation product/service can vary in terms of functionality or economic value. Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the ability that objects have of interacting with each other and with the environment, making decisions and acting to achieve common goals. PSS offerings can profit from this technology. There are few studies that clarify the relationship between IoT and PSS. This work aims to evaluate current PSS cases that incorporate IoT concepts and elements, known as Smart Objects. The goal is to understand how those elements are used in the PSS context. The evaluation was performed based on 142 cases. An exploratory research verified which cases had IoT elements and their roles in the business process. This qualitative evaluation will serve as a basis to future systematization, aiming to classify and identify barriers and opportunities for IoT applications in PSS. From the 142 cases, only 16 had IoT components. Most of the cases came from the transportation area, more specifically car sharing services. This shows that IoT might not yet be seen as a potential resource to improve the value offer despite having many benefits.

Palavras-chave: Internet of Things, IoT, PSS, Product-Service Systems, PSS,

Palavras-chave: Internet of Things, IoT, PSS, Product-Service Systems, PSS,

DOI: 10.5151/cbgdp2017-104

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Como citar:

Moraes, Renato Nunes; Silva, Marília Costa Rosendo; Rosa, Maiara; Rozenfeld, Henrique; "EVALUATION OF INTERNET OF THINGS UTILIZATION IN PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEM CASES", p. 994-1002 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2017.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/cbgdp2017-104

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