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MARQUES, KATTY SANTOS DA SILVA ; Moreira, Davidson Martins ; Palmeira, Anderson da Silva ;

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"Urban atmospheric modeling can be improved through the application of differentparameterizations, including land use data and the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). Thisstudy investigates the impact of these parameterizations using the WRF (Weather Researchand Forecasting) model with MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) andUSGS (United States Geological Survey) land use data, and MYJ (Mellor-Yamada-Janjic) andYSU (Yonsei University Scheme) for the PBL, in addition to activating the UCM (Urban CanopyModel) in specific scenarios using the SLUCM (Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model). Surfacemeteorological variables, such as temperature, wind speed, and wind direction, were analyzedand validated using data from the Aeroporto and Ondina stations. The results indicate that thecombination of USGS with YSU, especially with urban representations, provides greateraccuracy, highlighting the importance of adequate parameterizations to improve atmosphericmodeling and urban planning. "

Full Article:

"Urban atmospheric modeling can be improved through the application of differentparameterizations, including land use data and the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL). Thisstudy investigates the impact of these parameterizations using the WRF (Weather Researchand Forecasting) model with MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) andUSGS (United States Geological Survey) land use data, and MYJ (Mellor-Yamada-Janjic) andYSU (Yonsei University Scheme) for the PBL, in addition to activating the UCM (Urban CanopyModel) in specific scenarios using the SLUCM (Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model). Surfacemeteorological variables, such as temperature, wind speed, and wind direction, were analyzedand validated using data from the Aeroporto and Ondina stations. The results indicate that thecombination of USGS with YSU, especially with urban representations, provides greateraccuracy, highlighting the importance of adequate parameterizations to improve atmosphericmodeling and urban planning. "

Palavras-chave: WRF, Metropolitan Region of Salvador, parameterizations,

Palavras-chave: WRF, Metropolitan Region of Salvador, parameterizations,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-391349

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Como citar:

MARQUES, KATTY SANTOS DA SILVA; Moreira, Davidson Martins; Palmeira, Anderson da Silva; "EVALUATION OF WRF MODEL CONFIGURATIONS IN THE METROPOLITAN REGION OF SALVADOR", p. 1152-1160 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-391349

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