Dezembro 2019 vol. 7 num. 1 - 37 Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe and XXIII Iberoamerican Society of Digital Graphics, Joint Conference (N. 1)
- Open Access.
Exploring the Affordances and Musico-Spatial Performance Opportunities of a Virtual Drumming Environment
Exploring the Affordances and Musico-Spatial Performance Opportunities of a Virtual Drumming Environment
Ham, Jeremy ; Woessner, Uwe ; Kieferle, Joachim ; Harvey, Lawrence ;
The intersection of music and architecture (spatial design) has remained afascination for practitioners and researchers for many years. This paper reportson the development of a Virtual Drumming Environment (VDE) that provides aresearch and cross-domain performance environment for musico-spatial designresearch explorations.The VDE is explored as a means of revealing affordancesrelated to the complexities of polyrhythmic drumming through cross-domainrepresentation of MIDI data as polyrhythmic event-time-dynamics molecules(PM) within virtual space. Further to this, we explore the VDE as a cross-domainperformance environment where new modes of musico-spatial improvisation arerevealed that extend drumming's `known worlds' (Bruford, 2015).
The intersection of music and architecture (spatial design) has remained afascination for practitioners and researchers for many years. This paper reportson the development of a Virtual Drumming Environment (VDE) that provides aresearch and cross-domain performance environment for musico-spatial designresearch explorations.The VDE is explored as a means of revealing affordancesrelated to the complexities of polyrhythmic drumming through cross-domainrepresentation of MIDI data as polyrhythmic event-time-dynamics molecules(PM) within virtual space. Further to this, we explore the VDE as a cross-domainperformance environment where new modes of musico-spatial improvisation arerevealed that extend drumming's `known worlds' (Bruford, 2015).
Palavras-chave: ,
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DOI: 10.5151/proceedings-ecaadesigradi2019_124
Referências bibliográficas
- [1] .
Como citar:
Ham, Jeremy; Woessner, Uwe; Kieferle, Joachim; Harvey, Lawrence; "Exploring the Affordances and Musico-Spatial Performance Opportunities of a Virtual Drumming Environment", p. 441-448 . In: Proceedings of 37 eCAADe and XXIII SIGraDi Joint Conference, “Architecture in the Age of the 4Th Industrial Revolution”, Porto 2019, Sousa, José Pedro; Henriques, Gonçalo Castro; Xavier, João Pedro (eds.).
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/proceedings-ecaadesigradi2019_124
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