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Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Value Co-Creation in Different Theoretical Frameworks

Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Value Co-Creation in Different Theoretical Frameworks

Liu, Jiashuo ;

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This paper investigates the concept of value and value co-creation across various disciplines, particularly goods-dominant logic, service-dominant logic, public service logic, and service design. Through data collection and analysis involving academic articles and case studies, this research contrasts the perspectives and underscores the significance of value co-creation in the service economy. The comparative analysis reveals two key findings: value co-creation, taking place between actors at any level of the ecosystem, influences resource availability and demand throughout all other levels. Therefore, comprehending the interconnectedness of value creation in a multidisciplinary context becomes imperative. Additionally, the study reveals that value and value co-creation in service design are primarily descriptive, lacking empirical research as well as specific design tools and processes to support them.

Full paper:

This paper investigates the concept of value and value co-creation across various disciplines, particularly goods-dominant logic, service-dominant logic, public service logic, and service design. Through data collection and analysis involving academic articles and case studies, this research contrasts the perspectives and underscores the significance of value co-creation in the service economy. The comparative analysis reveals two key findings: value co-creation, taking place between actors at any level of the ecosystem, influences resource availability and demand throughout all other levels. Therefore, comprehending the interconnectedness of value creation in a multidisciplinary context becomes imperative. Additionally, the study reveals that value and value co-creation in service design are primarily descriptive, lacking empirical research as well as specific design tools and processes to support them.

Palavras-chave: Value, Value co-creation, Service design, Service-dominant logic,

Palavras-chave: Value, Value co-creation, Service design, Service-dominant logic,

DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-5GLA-06FULL_MultidimensionalValue_CoCreation_Liu

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Como citar:

Liu, Jiashuo; "Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Value Co-Creation in Different Theoretical Frameworks", p. 936-950 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design. São Paulo: Blucher, 2023.
ISSN 2318-6968, DOI 10.5151/ead2023-5GLA-06FULL_MultidimensionalValue_CoCreation_Liu

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