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Correia, Vitor Costa Antonelli ; Gomes, Paulo César de Ferreira ; Franieck, Erwin Karl ;


Society is changing its behavior due to the growing concern about the environmental impact caused by humans. Given the number of vehicles in the world, mobility is on the spotlight since any improvement in vehicle efficiency results in a large reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. In Brazil, biofuels are an alternative but these still face difficulties to gain users’ preference. This is mainly due to the price parity between ethanol and gasoline, coupled with the nescience of which fuel has the lowest cost per kilometer traveled and the misinformation regarding the difference in environmental impact generated when compared to fossil fuels, since ethanol has a minor impact to the environment even than electric vehicles, considering the entire production chain. The work here described presents a proposal to provide to the user more accurate information about the average consumption of his vehicle allowing the fuel choice to be more efficient and expose the impact caused in terms of CO2 emitted given the fuel used. This is done by continuously gathering vehicle’s data through the CAN bus, processing it in the cloud and then relaying it to the user. This allows the driver to contribute directly to socio-environmental well-being by managing the volume of fossil fuel consumed.


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DOI: 10.5151/simea2018-PAP29

Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:

Correia, Vitor Costa Antonelli; Gomes, Paulo César de Ferreira; Franieck, Erwin Karl; "FLEX-FUEL SMART SELECTOR, THE PERSONAL CONTRIBUTION TO THE MOBILITY OF TOMORROW IN BRAZIL", p. 218-230 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2018.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/simea2018-PAP29

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