Outubro 2023 vol. 11 num. 4 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
Full paper - Open Access.
From Social Impact to Collective Knowledge and Skill Building: Committing and Valuing in Design Research that Makes a Difference
From Social Impact to Collective Knowledge and Skill Building: Committing and Valuing in Design Research that Makes a Difference
Marquez, Brenda Vertiz ; Pinto, Nathaly ; Botero, Andrea ;
Full paper:
"Batista e Silva, S. (2023). Design In and From the Periphery: Building a Praxis of Resistance through Collective Investigations. Revista Diseñ [Desig Magazine], 22, (3) https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.22.Article.3. Björklund, T., Hannukainen, P., & Manninen, T. (2018). Measuring the impact of design, service design and design thinking in organisations on different maturity levels. Proceedings of the ServDes2018 Conference, 500–511. Bonilla, V. D. (1968). Siervos de Dios y amos de Indios: El Estado y la misión capuchina en el Putumayo [Servants of God and Masters of Indians: The State and the Capuchin Mission in Putumayo] Ediciones Tercer Mundo [Editions Third World]. CreaTures (2023). CreaTures Framework. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from https://creaturesframework.org/ Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (2021). Tšombiach: Urdimbres y Tramas Integrales. Creación desde la periferia [Tšombiach: Integral Threads and Webs. Creation from the Periphery], 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22267/lib.udn.02 Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (Forthcoming). Los (TEJE)manejes del Tšombiach [The makings of the Tšombiach] In Investigación-Creación [Creation-Research] Universidad de Nariño [Nariño University], Pasto. Echeverría, B. (2010). Modernidad y blanquitud (Primera edición) [Modernity and Whiteness (First Edition)]. Ediciones Era [Era Editions]. Garduño, C. (2017). Design as Freedom. [Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University]. Giroux, H. A. (2011). Teoría y resistencia en educación: Una pedagogía para la oposición (A. de Alba & B. Orozco, Eds.; A. T. Méndez, Trad.). Siglo Veintiuno : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad. Hernández-Wolfe, P., & Muchavisoy, S. J. (2021). “Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change.” In The Creation and Recreation of Borderlands among Indigenous Peoples: A Kamentza’s Journey of Resilience, 318–334, Oxford University Press. Fraser, N. (2017). Crisis of Care? On the Social Reproductive Contradictions of Contemporary Capitalism. In Social reproduction Theory: Remapping Class Recentering Oppression, 21-36, Pluto Press. Jarvis, H., Kantor, P., & Cloke, J. (2009). Cities and Gender. Routledge. Julier, G., & Hodson, E. (2021). Value, design, scale: Towards a territories and temporalities approach. Nordes Conference Series. Karasti, H. (2014). Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference: Research Papers - Volume 1, 141–150. Katz, C. (2017). Social Reproduction. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. F. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, & R. A. Marston (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology (pp. 1–11). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Na, J. H., Choi, Y., Walters, A., Lam, B., & Green, S. (2017). Creating a Tool for Measuring the Social Value of Design. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1), S1662–S1672.https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352689 Pinto, N., & Botero, A. (2021). Pictogramas, comunicación intercultural y diseño participativo [Pictograms, intercultural communication, and participatory design]. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (p. 349). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052 Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Aguinda, F. (2021). Emergencia de educación en la Amazonía: Universitarios indígenas resisten [Education emergency in the Amazon: Indigenous university students resist]. La Voz de la Confeniae, [The Voice of Confeniae] 22, 20-26. Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Tánguila, L. (2022, Diciembre). Pictogramas para reportar y resistir: Estudiantes de nacionalidades amazónicas se suman a la lucha mediática en la movilización 2022 [Pictograms for reporting and resisting: Amazonian nationality students join the media struggle in the 2022 mobilization]. La Voz de la Confeniae [The Voice of Confeniae], 23, 55-58. Pinto, N., Vertiz, B., & Botero, A. (2022, junio 16). Resistance, social reproduction and emerging commitments for collaborative design from the margins. DRS2022: Bilbao. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.648 Pitkänen A (2012) Design ROI - Measurable Design https://issuu.com/anttipitkanen/docs/droi_measurabledesign_2012_issuu_en Simone, A. (2004) People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg. Public Culture, 16 (3), 407- 429. Simone, A. (2021). Ritornello: “People as Infrastructure.” Urban Geography, 42 (9), 1341–1348. Tristan, S., Abdulla, D., Ansari, A., Canlı, E., Keshavarz, M., Kiem, M., Prado de Oliveira, L.& Vieira de Oliveira, P. (2018). “Decolonizing Design - Editors’ Introduction.” In Design and Culture 10, 1 (1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1080/17547075.2018.1434367. Van Amstel, F., Batista e Silva, S., Serpa, B., Oliveira, M., Carvalho, M., Ricardo, A., & Freese Gonzatto, R. (s. f.). Insurgent design coalitions: The history of the Design & Oppression network. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (pp. 165-177). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052 Vertiz, B. (2020). Interlude: 1 Peatoniños: Liberating the Streets for Kids and for Play. In D.Cuff, A. Loukaitou-Sideris, T. Presner, M. Zubiaurre & J.J. Crisman (Eds.), Urban Humanities: New Practices for Reimagining the City, 64-69, MIT Press. Vertiz, B. & Lozano, L. (2018). Everyday Playfulness as Development for Urban Transformation. In R. Danenberg, V. Doumpa & H. Karssenberg (Eds.), The City at the Eye Level for Kids, 87-91, STIPO Publishing. Yee, J., White, H., & Lennon, L. (2015). Valuing Design: Mapping design impact and value in six public & third sector projects [Report]."
Full paper:
"Batista e Silva, S. (2023). Design In and From the Periphery: Building a Praxis of Resistance through Collective Investigations. Revista Diseñ [Desig Magazine], 22, (3) https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.22.Article.3. Björklund, T., Hannukainen, P., & Manninen, T. (2018). Measuring the impact of design, service design and design thinking in organisations on different maturity levels. Proceedings of the ServDes2018 Conference, 500–511. Bonilla, V. D. (1968). Siervos de Dios y amos de Indios: El Estado y la misión capuchina en el Putumayo [Servants of God and Masters of Indians: The State and the Capuchin Mission in Putumayo] Ediciones Tercer Mundo [Editions Third World]. CreaTures (2023). CreaTures Framework. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from https://creaturesframework.org/ Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (2021). Tšombiach: Urdimbres y Tramas Integrales. Creación desde la periferia [Tšombiach: Integral Threads and Webs. Creation from the Periphery], 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22267/lib.udn.02 Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (Forthcoming). Los (TEJE)manejes del Tšombiach [The makings of the Tšombiach] In Investigación-Creación [Creation-Research] Universidad de Nariño [Nariño University], Pasto. Echeverría, B. (2010). Modernidad y blanquitud (Primera edición) [Modernity and Whiteness (First Edition)]. Ediciones Era [Era Editions]. Garduño, C. (2017). Design as Freedom. [Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University]. Giroux, H. A. (2011). Teoría y resistencia en educación: Una pedagogía para la oposición (A. de Alba & B. Orozco, Eds.; A. T. Méndez, Trad.). Siglo Veintiuno : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad. Hernández-Wolfe, P., & Muchavisoy, S. J. (2021). “Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change.” In The Creation and Recreation of Borderlands among Indigenous Peoples: A Kamentza’s Journey of Resilience, 318–334, Oxford University Press. Fraser, N. (2017). Crisis of Care? On the Social Reproductive Contradictions of Contemporary Capitalism. In Social reproduction Theory: Remapping Class Recentering Oppression, 21-36, Pluto Press. Jarvis, H., Kantor, P., & Cloke, J. (2009). Cities and Gender. Routledge. Julier, G., & Hodson, E. (2021). Value, design, scale: Towards a territories and temporalities approach. Nordes Conference Series. Karasti, H. (2014). Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference: Research Papers - Volume 1, 141–150. Katz, C. (2017). Social Reproduction. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. F. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, & R. A. Marston (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology (pp. 1–11). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Na, J. H., Choi, Y., Walters, A., Lam, B., & Green, S. (2017). Creating a Tool for Measuring the Social Value of Design. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1), S1662–S1672.https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352689 Pinto, N., & Botero, A. (2021). Pictogramas, comunicación intercultural y diseño participativo [Pictograms, intercultural communication, and participatory design]. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (p. 349). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052 Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Aguinda, F. (2021). Emergencia de educación en la Amazonía: Universitarios indígenas resisten [Education emergency in the Amazon: Indigenous university students resist]. La Voz de la Confeniae, [The Voice of Confeniae] 22, 20-26. Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Tánguila, L. (2022, Diciembre). Pictogramas para reportar y resistir: Estudiantes de nacionalidades amazónicas se suman a la lucha mediática en la movilización 2022 [Pictograms for reporting and resisting: Amazonian nationality students join the media struggle in the 2022 mobilization]. La Voz de la Confeniae [The Voice of Confeniae], 23, 55-58. Pinto, N., Vertiz, B., & Botero, A. (2022, junio 16). Resistance, social reproduction and emerging commitments for collaborative design from the margins. DRS2022: Bilbao. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.648 Pitkänen A (2012) Design ROI - Measurable Design https://issuu.com/anttipitkanen/docs/droi_measurabledesign_2012_issuu_en Simone, A. (2004) People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg. Public Culture, 16 (3), 407- 429. Simone, A. (2021). Ritornello: “People as Infrastructure.” Urban Geography, 42 (9), 1341–1348. Tristan, S., Abdulla, D., Ansari, A., Canlı, E., Keshavarz, M., Kiem, M., Prado de Oliveira, L.& Vieira de Oliveira, P. (2018). “Decolonizing Design - Editors’ Introduction.” In Design and Culture 10, 1 (1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1080/17547075.2018.1434367. Van Amstel, F., Batista e Silva, S., Serpa, B., Oliveira, M., Carvalho, M., Ricardo, A., & Freese Gonzatto, R. (s. f.). Insurgent design coalitions: The history of the Design & Oppression network. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (pp. 165-177). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052 Vertiz, B. (2020). Interlude: 1 Peatoniños: Liberating the Streets for Kids and for Play. In D.Cuff, A. Loukaitou-Sideris, T. Presner, M. Zubiaurre & J.J. Crisman (Eds.), Urban Humanities: New Practices for Reimagining the City, 64-69, MIT Press. Vertiz, B. & Lozano, L. (2018). Everyday Playfulness as Development for Urban Transformation. In R. Danenberg, V. Doumpa & H. Karssenberg (Eds.), The City at the Eye Level for Kids, 87-91, STIPO Publishing. Yee, J., White, H., & Lennon, L. (2015). Valuing Design: Mapping design impact and value in six public & third sector projects [Report]."
Palavras-chave: Design impact, design commitments, alternative impact assessment,
Palavras-chave: Design impact, design commitments, alternative impact assessment,
DOI: 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-15Brenda-Vertiz-Marquez-et-al
Referências bibliográficas
- [1] Batista e Silva, S. (2023). Design In and From the Periphery: Building a Praxis of Resistance through Collective Investigations. Revista Diseñ [Desig Magazine], 22, (3) https://doi.org/10.7764/disena.22.Article.3.
- [2] Björklund, T., Hannukainen, P., & Manninen, T. (2018). Measuring the impact of design, service design and design thinking in organisations on different maturity levels. Proceedings of the ServDes2018 Conference, 500–511.
- [3] Bonilla, V. D. (1968). Siervos de Dios y amos de Indios: El Estado y la misión capuchina en el Putumayo [Servants of God and Masters of Indians: The State and the Capuchin Mission in Putumayo] Ediciones Tercer Mundo [Editions Third World].
- [4] CreaTures (2023). CreaTures Framework. Retrieved April 3, 2023, from https://creaturesframework.org/
- [5] Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (2021). Tšombiach: Urdimbres y Tramas Integrales. Creación desde la periferia [Tšombiach: Integral Threads and Webs. Creation from the Periphery], 131–142. https://doi.org/10.22267/lib.udn.02
- [6] Cuarán Jamioy, A., Chicunque Agreda, S. P., Botero, A., & Sánchez-Aldana, E. (Forthcoming). Los (TEJE)manejes del Tšombiach [The makings of the Tšombiach] In Investigación-Creación [Creation-Research] Universidad de Nariño [Nariño University], Pasto.
- [7] Echeverría, B. (2010). Modernidad y blanquitud (Primera edición) [Modernity and Whiteness (First Edition)]. Ediciones Era [Era Editions].
- [8] Garduño, C. (2017). Design as Freedom. [Doctoral dissertation, Aalto University].
- [9] Giroux, H. A. (2011). Teoría y resistencia en educación: Una pedagogía para la oposición (A. de Alba & B. Orozco, Eds.; A. T. Méndez, Trad.). Siglo Veintiuno : Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro de Estudios Sobre la Universidad.
- [10] Hernández-Wolfe, P., & Muchavisoy, S. J. (2021). “Multisystemic resilience: Adaptation and transformation in contexts of change.” In The Creation and Recreation of Borderlands among Indigenous Peoples: A Kamentza’s Journey of Resilience, 318–334, Oxford University Press.
- [11] Fraser, N. (2017). Crisis of Care? On the Social Reproductive Contradictions of Contemporary Capitalism. In Social reproduction Theory: Remapping Class Recentering Oppression, 21-36, Pluto Press.
- [12] Jarvis, H., Kantor, P., & Cloke, J. (2009). Cities and Gender. Routledge.
- [13] Julier, G., & Hodson, E. (2021). Value, design, scale: Towards a territories and temporalities approach. Nordes Conference Series.
- [14] Karasti, H. (2014). Infrastructuring in Participatory Design. Proceedings of the 13th Participatory Design Conference: Research Papers - Volume 1, 141–150.
- [15] Katz, C. (2017). Social Reproduction. In D. Richardson, N. Castree, M. F. Goodchild, A. Kobayashi, W. Liu, & R. A. Marston (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment and Technology (pp. 1–11). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- [16] Na, J. H., Choi, Y., Walters, A., Lam, B., & Green, S. (2017). Creating a Tool for Measuring the Social Value of Design. The Design Journal, 20 (sup1), S1662–S1672.https://doi.org/10.1080/14606925.2017.1352689
- [17] Pinto, N., & Botero, A. (2021). Pictogramas, comunicación intercultural y diseño participativo [Pictograms, intercultural communication, and participatory design]. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (p. 349). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052
- [18] Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Aguinda, F. (2021). Emergencia de educación en la Amazonía: Universitarios indígenas resisten [Education emergency in the Amazon: Indigenous university students resist]. La Voz de la Confeniae, [The Voice of Confeniae] 22, 20-26.
- [19] Pinto, N., Nango, E., Piaguaje, E., Guerrero, S., Yumbo, S., Timias, E., Mashian, J., Santi, R., Nihua, N., Yankuam, W., & Tánguila, L. (2022, Diciembre). Pictogramas para reportar y resistir: Estudiantes de nacionalidades amazónicas se suman a la lucha mediática en la movilización 2022 [Pictograms for reporting and resisting: Amazonian nationality students join the media struggle in the 2022 mobilization]. La Voz de la Confeniae [The Voice of Confeniae], 23, 55-58.
- [20] Pinto, N., Vertiz, B., & Botero, A. (2022, junio 16). Resistance, social reproduction and emerging commitments for collaborative design from the margins. DRS2022: Bilbao. https://doi.org/10.21606/drs.2022.648
- [21] Pitkänen A (2012) Design ROI - Measurable Design https://issuu.com/anttipitkanen/docs/droi_measurabledesign_2012_issuu_en
- [22] Simone, A. (2004) People as Infrastructure: Intersecting Fragments in Johannesburg. Public Culture, 16 (3), 407- 429.
- [23] Simone, A. (2021). Ritornello: “People as Infrastructure.” Urban Geography, 42 (9), 1341–1348.
- [24] Tristan, S., Abdulla, D., Ansari, A., Canlı, E., Keshavarz, M., Kiem, M., Prado de Oliveira, L.& Vieira de Oliveira, P. (2018). “Decolonizing Design - Editors’ Introduction.” In Design and Culture 10, 1 (1), 1–6. https://doi.org/10.1080/17547075.2018.1434367.
- [25] Van Amstel, F., Batista e Silva, S., Serpa, B., Oliveira, M., Carvalho, M., Ricardo, A., & Freese Gonzatto, R. (s. f.). Insurgent design coalitions: The history of the Design & Oppression network. In Proceedings Pivot 2021—Dismantling reassembling for alternative futures (pp. 165-177). Design Research Society. https://doi.org/10.21606/pluriversal.2021.0052
- [26] Vertiz, B. (2020). Interlude: 1 Peatoniños: Liberating the Streets for Kids and for Play. In D.Cuff, A. Loukaitou-Sideris, T. Presner, M. Zubiaurre & J.J. Crisman (Eds.), Urban Humanities: New Practices for Reimagining the City, 64-69, MIT Press.
- [27] Vertiz, B. & Lozano, L. (2018). Everyday Playfulness as Development for Urban Transformation. In R. Danenberg, V. Doumpa & H. Karssenberg (Eds.), The City at the Eye Level for Kids, 87-91, STIPO Publishing.
- [28] Yee, J., White, H., & Lennon, L. (2015). Valuing Design: Mapping design impact and value in six public & third sector projects [Report]."
Como citar:
Marquez, Brenda Vertiz; Pinto, Nathaly; Botero, Andrea; "From Social Impact to Collective Knowledge and Skill Building: Committing and Valuing in Design Research that Makes a Difference", p. 847-856 . In: 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/ead2023-4ESP-01Full-15Brenda-Vertiz-Marquez-et-al
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