Setembro 2016 vol. 3 num. 1 - XXIV Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotiva
Menção Honrosa - Open Access.
Fuel consumption and emissions analysis for a hybridized vehicle
Análise do consumo de combustível e emissões para um veículo hibridizado
ECKERT, Jony Javorski ; SANTICIOLLI, Fabio Mazzariol ; SILVA, Ludmila Corrêa de Alkmin e ; COSTA, Eduardo dos Santos ; BERTOTI, Elvis ; CORRÊA, Fernanda Cristina ; DEDINI, Franco Giuseppe ;
Menção Honrosa:
The improvement of the energetic efficiency in vehicular systems is a growing demand when developing new technologies for the automotive sector. Laws and regulatory standards that aim at the reduction of fuel consumption, such as the Brazilian INOVAR-AUTO, create constrains in order to improve the overall efficiency and reduce the emissions of new produced automobiles. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) became an alternative to achieve these goals, by adding electricity as an auxiliary propulsion source. Several surveys have revealed the advantages of hybrid configurations, which demonstrated significant fuel savings resulting from shifting the engine operation point to regions of lower consumption. This study evaluates the impact of the conversion of a 1.0L vehicle into a plug-in electric vehicle (PHEV), by means of coupling electric motors supplied by lead-acid battery to the vehicle rear wheels (Parallel HEV Configuration). Thus, by means of simulations, this work aims to investigate the impact that the auxiliary electric system can produce in the fuel consumption and emissions of greenhouse gases when the vehicle is submitted to the standard Brazilian drive cycles NBR 6601 and NBR 7024.
Menção Honrosa:
DOI: 10.5151/engpro-simea2016-PAP80
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Como citar:
ECKERT, Jony Javorski; SANTICIOLLI, Fabio Mazzariol; SILVA, Ludmila Corrêa de Alkmin e; COSTA, Eduardo dos Santos; BERTOTI, Elvis; CORRÊA, Fernanda Cristina; DEDINI, Franco Giuseppe; "Fuel consumption and emissions analysis for a hybridized vehicle", p. 580-599 . In: Anais do XXIV Simpósio Internacional de Engenharia Automotica - SIMEA 2016 [=Blucher Engineering Proceedings]..
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/engpro-simea2016-PAP80
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