Junho 2024 vol. 12 num. 3 - XXVII International Conference of the Ibero-American Society of Digital Graphics
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Ground Atlas: ground, map, connect
Ground Atlas: ground, map, connect
Sperling, David ; Nobre, Ana Luiza ;
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The article presents and discusses the Atlas do Chão / Ground Atlas Project (atlasdochao.org / groundatlas.org), oriented to mapping and making critically visible processes of urbanization, territorialization and deterritorialization that remain inscribed in the ground today, in different historical-cultural and geopolitical contexts. Conceived as a digital site, Ground Atlas has as its primary references the Mnemosyne Atlas of Aby Warburg and countercartographic practices, in the sense of producing other epistemologies about life on the planet. Its main elements are geolocated critical points and constellations that articulate nexus of meanings between these points. When grounding points and setting up constellations, invisibilities of colonial expropriation processes, practices of care for the ground and experimentation with multispecies cohabitation are considered. As an always partial result, the Atlas is thus a work in progress, open to critical reflections and propositions on the horizons of life from and by the ground.
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The article presents and discusses the Atlas do Chão / Ground Atlas Project (atlasdochao.org / groundatlas.org), oriented to mapping and making critically visible processes of urbanization, territorialization and deterritorialization that remain inscribed in the ground today, in different historical-cultural and geopolitical contexts. Conceived as a digital site, Ground Atlas has as its primary references the Mnemosyne Atlas of Aby Warburg and countercartographic practices, in the sense of producing other epistemologies about life on the planet. Its main elements are geolocated critical points and constellations that articulate nexus of meanings between these points. When grounding points and setting up constellations, invisibilities of colonial expropriation processes, practices of care for the ground and experimentation with multispecies cohabitation are considered. As an always partial result, the Atlas is thus a work in progress, open to critical reflections and propositions on the horizons of life from and by the ground.
Palavras-chave: Mapping, Atlas, Ground, Critical cartography and historiography, Decoloniality,
Palavras-chave: Mapping, Atlas, Ground, Critical cartography and historiography, Decoloniality,
DOI: 10.5151/sigradi2023-201
Referências bibliográficas
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Como citar:
Sperling, David; Nobre, Ana Luiza; "Ground Atlas: ground, map, connect", p. 1334-1345 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
DOI 10.5151/sigradi2023-201
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