Setembro 2015 vol. 2 num. 2 - 7º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação
Artigo Completo - Open Access.
Holografia: Inovação e Metáfora de Interatividade na Comunicação e na Representação Ótica
Holography: Innovation and Metaphor of Interactivity in Communication and Optics Representation
Barcellos, Ekaterina E. I. ; Mercaldi, Marlon ; Pinheiro, Olympio J. ; Júnior, Galdenoro Botura ;
Artigo Completo:
O holograma proporciona uma realidade metafórica e metafísica compatível com o interesse da sociedade contemporânea por sistemas visuais e comunicacionais de impacto. Associado ao Design tem possibilitado um repertório de inovação diversificado que parte de hologramas poéticos e criativos até evoluções tecnológicas e interativas, culminando no inovador Microsoft Hololens. Para além da realidade virtual, a holografia se transformou em uma nova área de pesquisa e desenvolvimento essencial ao uso de imagens 3D. Sendo uma representação ótica que remete a elementos de ficção científica, esta complexa meta-estrutura propõe metáforas imagéticas e processos óticos inovadores que desafiam a lógica. A fusão entre Design e holografia tem permitido diferentes aplicações no campo físico, interagindo com o mundo real e possibilitando resultados que transpõe a realidade virtual, contribuindo em diferentes áreas, das artes à medicina diagnóstica. Tais aplicações permitem uma perfeita interação entre o corpo físico e o holograma proporcionando um conceito comunicacional de experiência “ao vivo”. Este artigo propõe apresentar um panorama do uso da holografia no Design, desde sua compreensão inicial até o presente, demonstrando que o mesmo atende às expectativas pela inovação tecnológica em compasso com a evolução científica.
Artigo Completo:
The hologram provides a metaphorical and metaphysical reality compatible with the interests of contemporary society by visual and communication impact systems. In association with Design has enabled a repertoire of diverse innovation from poetic and creative to interactive holograms and technological developments, culminating in the innovative Microsoft Hololens. In addition to virtual reality, holography has become a new area of research and essential development to the use of 3D images.Being an optical representation that refers to elements of science fiction, this complex meta-structure proposes imagery metaphors and innovative optical processes that defy logic. The merger between Design and holography has allowed different applications in the physical field, interacting with the real world and enabling results implementing virtual reality, contributing in different areas, from arts to medical diagnostics. Such applications allow seamless interaction between the physical body and the hologram providing a "live" communication concept experience. This article aims to present an overview of the use of holography in Design from its initial understanding until the present, demonstrating that it meets the expectations for technological innovation in step with scientific developments.The hologram provides a metaphorical and metaphysical reality compatible with the interests of contemporary society by visual and communication impact systems. In association with Design has enabled a repertoire of diverse innovation from poetic and creative to interactive holograms and technological developments, culminating in the innovative Microsoft Hololens. In addition to virtual reality, holography has become a new area of research and essential development to the use of 3D images.Being an optical representation that refers to elements of science fiction, this complex meta-structure proposes imagery metaphors and innovative optical processes that defy logic. The merger between Design and holography has allowed different applications in the physical field, interacting with the real world and enabling results implementing virtual reality, contributing in different areas, from arts to medical diagnostics. Such applications allow seamless interaction between the physical body and the hologram providing a "live" communication concept experience. This article aims to present an overview of the use of holography in Design from its initial understanding until the present, demonstrating that it meets the expectations for technological innovation in step with scientific developments.The hologram provides a metaphorical and metaphysical reality compatible with the interests of contemporary society by visual and communication impact systems. In association with Design has enabled a repertoire of diverse innovation from poetic and creative to interactive holograms and technological developments, culminating in the innovative Microsoft Hololens. In addition to virtual reality, holography has become a new area of research and essential development to the use of 3D images.Being an optical representation that refers to elements of science fiction, this complex meta-structure proposes imagery metaphors and innovative optical processes that defy logic. The merger between Design and holography has allowed different applications in the physical field, interacting with the real world and enabling results implementing virtual reality, contributing in different areas, from arts to medical diagnostics. Such applications allow seamless interaction between the physical body and the hologram providing a "live" communication concept experience. This article aims to present an overview of the use of holography in Design from its initial understanding until the present, demonstrating that it meets the expectations for technological innovation in step with scientific developments.
Palavras-chave: design, holografia, comunicação, interação humano-computador (IHC), lógica difusa “fuzzy”, design, holography, communication, human computer interaction (HCI), fuzzy logic,
Palavras-chave: ,
DOI: 10.5151/designpro-CIDI2015-cidi_12
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Como citar:
Barcellos, Ekaterina E. I.; Mercaldi, Marlon; Pinheiro, Olympio J.; Júnior, Galdenoro Botura; "Holografia: Inovação e Metáfora de Interatividade na Comunicação e na Representação Ótica", p. 569-582 . In: . In: C. G. Spinillo; L. M. Fadel; V. T. Souto; T. B. P. Silva & R. J. Camara (Eds). Anais do 7º Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação/Proceedings of the 7th Information Design International Conference | CIDI 2015 [Blucher Design Proceedings, num.2, vol.2].
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-8039-122-0
DOI 10.5151/designpro-CIDI2015-cidi_12
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