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GOMES, DIOGO ANTONIO QUEIROZ ; Nascimento Filho, Aloísio S. ; Sá, Natália Silva Coimbra de ; Saba, Hugo ;


" The increase in the frequency of extreme weather events is a trend predicted in several scientific studies and its effects directly affect life in cities. In this context, the general goal of this work was to analyze a modeling process that articulates socio-environmental and climatic aspects on a municipal scale, based on the databases SIDRA/IBGE, Cidades@/IBGE, Adapta Brasil/MCTI and InfoVis Bahia/SEI. The procedures included a systematic review, selection of platforms based on pre-established criteria and proposal of a methodological model in the format of an integrated circular diagram. It consists of a work in progress, which the results produced will assist managers to formulate good practices to face the climates effects events."


" The increase in the frequency of extreme weather events is a trend predicted in several scientific studies and its effects directly affect life in cities. In this context, the general goal of this work was to analyze a modeling process that articulates socio-environmental and climatic aspects on a municipal scale, based on the databases SIDRA/IBGE, Cidades@/IBGE, Adapta Brasil/MCTI and InfoVis Bahia/SEI. The procedures included a systematic review, selection of platforms based on pre-established criteria and proposal of a methodological model in the format of an integrated circular diagram. It consists of a work in progress, which the results produced will assist managers to formulate good practices to face the climates effects events."

Palavras-chave: climate change; databases; modeling,

Palavras-chave: climate change; databases; modeling,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-389759

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Como citar:

GOMES, DIOGO ANTONIO QUEIROZ; Nascimento Filho, Aloísio S.; Sá, Natália Silva Coimbra de; Saba, Hugo; "HYBRID MODEL FOR CLIMATE DEMOGRAPHY (HMCD): A METHODOLOGICAL PROPOSAL AT THE LOCAL LEVEL", p. 748-756 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-389759

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