Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Cordeiro, André Martins ; Almeida, Lucas Gregory Gomes de ; Neves, Cintia ; Leite, Regina Maria Cunha ; Catapan, Marcio Fontana ; Siqueira, Alexandre Gomes de ; Silva, Tiago Alexandre Narciso da ; Winkler, Ingrid ;
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"Virtual reality enhances safety training by creating safe, complexenvironments for active learning. In high-risk engineering, evaluating training is crucial,yet research is limited. This study examines key interdisciplinary questions regardingthe development of immersive evaluations of high-risk industrial training. We followedthe Design Science Research approach, starting with preliminary categories from aliterature review; then conducted an exploratory focus group with eight virtual realityand industrial training experts; and used the Read AI to analyze the discussions interms of six categories: scenario, procedures and ethics, recruitment, equipment,experimental design, and implementation. The discussion covered decisions andcomplexity in implementation, tracking technologies, accessory limitations, anddeveloping meaningful immersive experiences, with the key questions relating to fullyimmersing workers in virtual environments, simulating wind, smell, and other externalstimuli for height training, and transferring sensors to safety belts used in height work. "
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"Virtual reality enhances safety training by creating safe, complexenvironments for active learning. In high-risk engineering, evaluating training is crucial,yet research is limited. This study examines key interdisciplinary questions regardingthe development of immersive evaluations of high-risk industrial training. We followedthe Design Science Research approach, starting with preliminary categories from aliterature review; then conducted an exploratory focus group with eight virtual realityand industrial training experts; and used the Read AI to analyze the discussions interms of six categories: scenario, procedures and ethics, recruitment, equipment,experimental design, and implementation. The discussion covered decisions andcomplexity in implementation, tracking technologies, accessory limitations, anddeveloping meaningful immersive experiences, with the key questions relating to fullyimmersing workers in virtual environments, simulating wind, smell, and other externalstimuli for height training, and transferring sensors to safety belts used in height work. "
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DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-389491
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Como citar:
Cordeiro, André Martins; Almeida, Lucas Gregory Gomes de; Neves, Cintia; Leite, Regina Maria Cunha; Catapan, Marcio Fontana; Siqueira, Alexandre Gomes de; Silva, Tiago Alexandre Narciso da; Winkler, Ingrid; "IMMERSIVE EVALUATION OF INDUSTRIAL TRAININGS: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH ON KEY QUESTIONS", p. 416-423 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-389491
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