Dezembro 2024 vol. 11 num. 2 - X Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Tecnologia
Full Article - Open Access.
Bamar, Laura Maria Mota do Rio ; Nascimento, Madson Moreira ; Guarieiro, Lilian Nefoi Nani ;
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"Despite being a renewable and clean biofuel, factors such as precipitateformation and limited performance at low temperatures still limit the use of biodiesel.The performance of biodiesel is limited at low temperatures due to the crystallizationof saturated monoglycerides (SMG) and high cloud point (CP). Its affinity for waterfavors the proliferation of microorganisms that accumulate on the bottom of tanks,causing contamination and clogging in tanks and automotive parts. Therefore, thiswork aims to perform a literature search about the main causes of precipitateformation, such as the content of monoglycerides, the low-temperature propertiesand the hygroscopic nature of biodiesel."
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"Despite being a renewable and clean biofuel, factors such as precipitateformation and limited performance at low temperatures still limit the use of biodiesel.The performance of biodiesel is limited at low temperatures due to the crystallizationof saturated monoglycerides (SMG) and high cloud point (CP). Its affinity for waterfavors the proliferation of microorganisms that accumulate on the bottom of tanks,causing contamination and clogging in tanks and automotive parts. Therefore, thiswork aims to perform a literature search about the main causes of precipitateformation, such as the content of monoglycerides, the low-temperature propertiesand the hygroscopic nature of biodiesel."
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DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393346
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Como citar:
Bamar, Laura Maria Mota do Rio; Nascimento, Madson Moreira; Guarieiro, Lilian Nefoi Nani; "IMPACTS AND CAUSES OF PRECIPITATE FORMATION IN BIODIESEL: A REVIEW", p. 293-300 . In: .
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2357-7592,
DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393346
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