Fevereiro 2014 vol. 1 num. 1 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies
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Imported design ideas and its spreading in Latin America: a historiographical critique
CORTÉS, Dannae ; CRUZ, Aura ; Jani, GALLAND. ; PÉREZ, Marcela ;
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Foreign ideas have created the predominant logic that shapes the way design spreads through exhibitions in Latin America. It is necessary to understand how design practices and their cultural influence have been constructed in these events. Historiographical deconstruction aids to reveal what has been imposed within a framework of alien thought and will make possible to achieve a new meaning of region, hence create congruent design solutions with the context.
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Palavras-chave: Historiography, Design exhibitions, Context,
DOI: 10.5151/design-icdhs-031
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Como citar:
CORTÉS, Dannae; CRUZ, Aura; Jani, GALLAND.; PÉREZ, Marcela; "Imported design ideas and its spreading in Latin America: a historiographical critique", p. 141-144 . In: Farias, Priscila Lena; Calvera, Anna; Braga, Marcos da Costa & Schincariol, Zuleica (Eds.). Design frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies [=ICDHS 2012 - 8th Conference of the International Committee for Design History & Design Studies]. São Paulo: Blucher, 2012.
São Paulo: Blucher,
ISSN 2318-6968,
ISBN: 978-85-212-0692-7
DOI 10.5151/design-icdhs-031
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