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Knowledge Districts Prioritize Healthy Development

Knowledge Districts Prioritize Healthy Development

Sperandio, Ana Maria ; Trevisan, Simone ;

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This study addressed the cities of Conchal and Santa Bárbara d'Oeste in the state of São Paulo and Plano and Frisco in Texas, seeking to identify connections between healthy cities and the potential development of Healthy Knowledge Districts. The crucial role of social participation in health promotion was highlighted, as evidenced by the practices of municipal councils and public consultations. A concern in the planning of healthy municipalities was observed in integrating elements conducive to intellectual growth, innovation, and collaboration, which materialized in innovation centers, institutional partnerships, and educational programs. The results emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary urban infrastructure for developing healthy, sustainable, and knowledge-advancing communities, thus outlining the emerging concept of the Healthy Knowledge District.

Full Paper:

This study addressed the cities of Conchal and Santa Bárbara d'Oeste in the state of São Paulo and Plano and Frisco in Texas, seeking to identify connections between healthy cities and the potential development of Healthy Knowledge Districts. The crucial role of social participation in health promotion was highlighted, as evidenced by the practices of municipal councils and public consultations. A concern in the planning of healthy municipalities was observed in integrating elements conducive to intellectual growth, innovation, and collaboration, which materialized in innovation centers, institutional partnerships, and educational programs. The results emphasize the importance of a multidisciplinary urban infrastructure for developing healthy, sustainable, and knowledge-advancing communities, thus outlining the emerging concept of the Healthy Knowledge District.

Palavras-chave: Urban Planning, Healthy Municipalities, Urban Health Promotion, Social Participation, Healthy Knowledge Districts,

Palavras-chave: Urban Planning, Healthy Municipalities, Urban Health Promotion, Social Participation, Healthy Knowledge Districts,

DOI: 10.5151/FGKD24-52

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Como citar:

Sperandio, Ana Maria; Trevisan, Simone; "Knowledge Districts Prioritize Healthy Development", p. 559-574 . In: Fourth-Generation Knowledge Districts 2024. São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2359-2990, DOI 10.5151/FGKD24-52

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