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Lean Manufacturing to Improve Management and Results in Metrological Testing Laboratories - A Case Study

Lean Manufacturing to Improve Management and Results in Metrological Testing Laboratories - A Case Study

Cerqueira, Leonardo Almeida de ; Rodrigues, Leticia de Alencar Pereira ; Nascimento Filho, Aloisio Santos ; Saba, Hugo ;

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"The article addresses the importance of using Lean Manufacturing as aviable alternative for companies in a highly competitive global economic context,aiming to optimize processes and reduce waste. The methodology is applied inMetrological Testing Laboratories, identifying and eliminating 8 wastes, bringingbenefits such as eliminating failures, reducing costs and optimizing service time. Thecase study presented is an example of applying Lean Manufacturing in a laboratory,resulting in waste reduction, process improvement and increased productivity. Theresearch contributes to the management of metrological laboratories, suggestingdirections for mapping processes and adapting layouts for integrated environments. "

Full Article:

"The article addresses the importance of using Lean Manufacturing as aviable alternative for companies in a highly competitive global economic context,aiming to optimize processes and reduce waste. The methodology is applied inMetrological Testing Laboratories, identifying and eliminating 8 wastes, bringingbenefits such as eliminating failures, reducing costs and optimizing service time. Thecase study presented is an example of applying Lean Manufacturing in a laboratory,resulting in waste reduction, process improvement and increased productivity. Theresearch contributes to the management of metrological laboratories, suggestingdirections for mapping processes and adapting layouts for integrated environments. "

Palavras-chave: Lean Manufacturing, Metrological Testing Laboratories, productivity, waste,

Palavras-chave: Lean Manufacturing, Metrological Testing Laboratories, productivity, waste,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-392117

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Como citar:

Cerqueira, Leonardo Almeida de; Rodrigues, Leticia de Alencar Pereira; Nascimento Filho, Aloisio Santos; Saba, Hugo; "Lean Manufacturing to Improve Management and Results in Metrological Testing Laboratories - A Case Study", p. 440-447 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-392117

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