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Pessoa, Sarah Hiltner Almeida ; Rivetti, Marianna Luna Sousa ;

Full Article:

"This research analyzes the appropriate lighting performance for buildings,highlighting its influence parameters, requirements, gaps, and potential improvementsto enhance lighting comfort. The advancement of technology in the constructionindustry has increased the need to ensure adequate well-being for people. Therefore,the NBR 15575 performance standard was developed, which provides the necessaryrequirements to achieve suitable performance. With the desired performanceachieved, it is possible to attain energy efficiency, which aims to generate the sameamount of energy using fewer natural resources."

Full Article:

"This research analyzes the appropriate lighting performance for buildings,highlighting its influence parameters, requirements, gaps, and potential improvementsto enhance lighting comfort. The advancement of technology in the constructionindustry has increased the need to ensure adequate well-being for people. Therefore,the NBR 15575 performance standard was developed, which provides the necessaryrequirements to achieve suitable performance. With the desired performanceachieved, it is possible to attain energy efficiency, which aims to generate the sameamount of energy using fewer natural resources."

Palavras-chave: Lighting Performance; Energy Efficiency; Requirements; Influence Parameters,

Palavras-chave: Lighting Performance; Energy Efficiency; Requirements; Influence Parameters,

DOI: 10.5151/siintec2024-393390

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Como citar:

Pessoa, Sarah Hiltner Almeida; Rivetti, Marianna Luna Sousa; "LIGHTING PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS", p. 575-581 . In: . São Paulo: Blucher, 2024.
ISSN 2357-7592, DOI 10.5151/siintec2024-393390

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